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Tine's P.OV.

Deena's mood changed as soon as we were in the conference room.

But when we started working, I could tell she was amazed by the ideas proposed by Travis and was taking it seriously. She was even taking notes.

I contributed a little but it was mainly him and her.

There were arguments, yes, but then eventually, they would come up to an agreement, and before I knew it, the first draft of the artwork had been done.

Listening to them pitching ideas alternately, arguing intellectually, It's like a porn.

Both of them are equally passionate and very smart.

"We'll just have this approved by Mr. Riva then we're good to go to execute this. I think we'll even finish it in less than a week." I heard Deena say wrapping us up.

"Great. So we'll show him after lunch, right? Not now? Because I'm starving." Deena chuckled at him.

"Yes, after lunch. Just come to my office once you're done. Umm, Tine, I have a lunch out today." 

"Oh, okay. I'll see you later then."

Deena left before us.

I gathered the papers on the table while Travis helped me.

"I'm new in town and have no idea where to go for lunch... care to accompany me? My treat."

"Hmm... Sure, why not? You like Chinese?"

"I love, Chinese."

We used my car since he doesn't have one yet. I brought him to my favorite Chinese restaurant near the office. Well, it's actually mine and Deena's favorite restaurant.

"Wow, smells delicious already." He said as soon as we entered.

The waitresses knew me already and directed me to the seat me and Deena always occupy. 

We sat and started to order.

When I had given my order, my eyes scanned the place. It's lunch time so it's packed and loud.

I was about to direct my attention to the guy in front of me when my eyes caught Deena on the other side of the restaurant.

Another girl was sitting across from her. I don't need to turn around as I'm one hundred percent sure it was Sabrina.

Lunch out, my ass.

"Something wrong?" I was a bit startled when I heard Travis. I didn't know I was staring at Deena's that long till he interrupted me.

"Was that Deena?" He followed where I was looking at.

"Yeah." I scoffed.

"Who is she with?"

"Sabrina Hughes, the financial director."

"Oh, I know her. I mean, I heard of her. Wait, is it true that she's Deena's girlfriend?"

My brows furrowed at him. 

"Who told you that?" He must have felt scared a little bit when my voice rose.

"Umm... My uncle?" I'd say I scared him.

"Well, tell your uncle that it's not true. It's probably Sabrina who was spreading that around the office. She's not even Deena's type!"

"Oh okay, I didn't mean to anger you or anything. But I have to ask, are you the girlfriend or something?"


"Well, the way you got mad when I mentioned Ms. Hughes as Deena's girlfriend, I figured maybe... you are?"

Can I just slap him and avoid this conversation?

"Deena has been my best friend since college and I don't like Sabrina for her." I told him straight.

"Okay, good." He said smiling.

Even when our food came, I would glance at Deena's from time to time but very discreetly as I didn't want Travis asking me any more questions.

"The food here is amazing. I think this is my favorite restaurant now!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, even the service here is great." 

We left the restaurant with Deena and Sabrina still engaged in whatever they were talking about. Both of them looked serious.

It was past 2 in the afternoon when Deena's head peeked on my door.

"Shall we, people?" She said.

"Yeah, right. Coming." Travis waited for me to stand up before walking toward the door.

"Such a gentleman." Dee whispered in my ear as we walked in front of him. As an answer to her, I elbowed her side.

"So, how was lunch, Travis? Did you go out?" Dee asked as soon as we were in the elevator.

"Oh yeah, Tine and I went to this place, a Chinese restaurant nearby the office. It was great, love the food." He said excitedly.

Deena's brows raised looking at me.

"Oh yeah? I was just there, how come I didn't see you both?"

"Maybe you're too engaged with whatever conversation you were having with Sabrina, that's why you didn't see us." I told her mockingly.

"Right." She mumbled as the elevator door opened.

Mr. Riva looked happy and satisfied with the first draft presented before him.

"This is great people, really great. Bringing Travis was really a good decision, isn't it?" 

Deena and I both smiled at him and nodded while Travis had a tinge of red on his cheeks.

"Okay, I need this executed as soon as possible so marketing can do their job after. Travis, I need you with Kristine on this so you familiarize yourself with the process. I guess I'd be keeping you even after this project." Mr. Riva was smiling from ear to ear.

"So, this project was like an audition for you." Dee said as soon as we were dismissed and headed back to the elevator.

"Honestly, I told my uncle that I wouldn't work for him. I just agreed to help on this project to help out. I was actually planning to build my own business."

"But..." I was just listening to both of them quietly and had no intention of participating.

"But... I guess working here wouldn't be a bad idea." Travis's blue eyes searched for my green ones and smiled. It was the kind of smile that was waiting for something in return so I smiled back at him.

On the way to our offices, Deena did not speak, even when she opened her door, she did not throw us a single look.

Our coffee time came and I haven't heard from her yet.

I excused myself to Travis and went to Dee's office.

I knocked 3 times before I opened her door. She was on the phone but saw me instantly.

I didn't dare sit and just stood in front of her desk while I waited for her.

"Yes?" She said after hanging up the phone. She did not look at me but just busied herself with the papers in front of her.

"You missed our coffee break and I am sooo in need of one." I walked behind her desk and positioned myself beside her. I know it surprised her when I leaned over and side-hugged her.

"Let's have coffee, pleaseeee." I even made my voice sound extra sweet, the one that she cannot say no to.

"Fine." She sighed deeply.


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