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Chapter 58
Instantly, Ji Ruan became fully alert.
While lucid, he felt as if he was still dreaming.
"You..." Ji Ruan sat up straight, "What are you doing here?"
As he spoke, in disbelief, he lightly touched Gu Xiuyi's bicep and poked his abdomen, "Wow, you're real."
Gu Xiuyi: "..."
With an amused yet exasperated expression, Gu Xiuyi ignored Ji Ruan's seemingly opportunistic moves and pinched his cheek, whispering, "I came to wait for you to finish class."
Ji Ruan, still drowsy, his eyes watery, responded, "Didn't I tell you that my class would run late because of the addition? Didn't you get the message?"
As he said this, he reached for his phone, only to remember it had run out of battery.
The professor played a video at the front of the room, its loud volume drowning out all other noises in the classroom.
Ji Ruan had been quite sure that he successfully sent the message, but now seeing Gu Xiuyi, he began to doubt himself. Subtly shifting backwards, he anxiously asked, "You didn't come here in a fit of rage, did you?"
"No..." Gu Xiuyi replied with a hint of resignation, "I got your message. That's why I said I came to wait for your class to end."
Emphasizing the word "wait", he then playfully shook Ji Ruan's chin, "Still groggy? Wake up a bit, kiddo."
Ji Ruan paused for a second, mentally replaying the conversation before understanding Gu Xiuyi's meaning.
He blinked, "So, you came just to accompany me during class?"
Gu Xiuyi chuckled softly and nodded, "Yes."
It wasn't uncommon in universities for couples to join each other in their respective classes. Sometimes during Ji Ruan's specialized classes, he would notice female classmates accompanied by their boyfriends.
But this was the first time such a situation had occurred to him personally.
Ji Ruan's lips curved slightly upward, then composedly pressed together. Yet, his dimple betrayed him, making an evident appearance on his cheek.
He averted his gaze and scratched the tip of his nose, "How did you get in? Did security let you through?"
Gu Xiuyi, propping his chin, gazed at Ji Ruan with a smile, touching his dimple, "I occasionally give lectures at the school. Obtaining a regular pass isn't difficult."
As the video on the lecture podium ended, the classroom suddenly went quiet, leaving Ji Ruan momentarily at a loss for words.
"Alright, students, please add the group number displayed on the blackboard!" the teacher called out through the microphone.
"We still have several weeks of this course left, and the specific timings might vary. After joining the group, all announcements will be made there; otherwise, they'll be communicated in your respective class groups. Everyone, make sure to join!"
Ji Ruan snapped back to reality, pulling out his phone only to realize once again that it was out of battery.
He sighed, feeling as if one couldn't really survive in modern society without a phone.
A phone then appeared before his eyes. Gu Xiuyi held up one corner and shook it lightly, "Take a picture for now. You can join the group once you've charged your phone."
The teacher had provided a QQ group number, but Gu Xiuyi didn't use that app. Reinstalling it would be a hassle, so having Ji Ruan take a photo and send it to his phone was the simplest solution.
"Alright, thanks."
Ji Ruan took the phone, hesitated upon seeing the locked screen, and said, "Could you unlock it for me-"
"001028," Gu Xiuyi replied, "It's my password."
Ji Ruan was taken aback.
Gu Xiuyi had just given him his phone password?
But isn't that something shared only between couples?!
Why did Gu Xiuyi tell him?
It's so bothersome, and quite embarrassing...
Ji Ruan's ears turned a shade redder. He looked down, avoiding Gu Xiuyi's gaze. After unlocking and taking the picture, he returned the phone with flushed cheeks.
He cleared his throat, attempting to engage naturally, "Why choose this sequence of numbers?"
Gu Xiuyi smiled, "Out of habit. Back when most passwords were four digits, I used 1028. When it shifted to six digits, I just got used to it and didn't bother changing. I simply added two zeros in front."

Ji Ruan nodded in understanding.
Then, silence enveloped them.
Darn it, it felt like his face hadn't cooled down at all.
Yet, Gu Xiuyi seemed amused, reaching out to touch Ji Ruan's face with a teasing tone, "Why are you blushing so much today? Did you eat cherries again?"
Ji Ruan: "..."
Flustered and exasperated, Ji Ruan responded, "None of your business."
However, Gu Xiuyi knew that when Ji Ruan appeared annoyed but was actually just shy, he was quite easy to appease.
It only took a cherry cake, irresistibly adorable in appearance, for Ji Ruan to grant his begrudging forgiveness while tilting up his prideful little chin.
Coupled with a few sincere apologies, by evening, Gu Xiuyi found himself cradling Ji Ruan while they sipped on milk.
Ji Ruan sat comfortably on his lap, sipping his milk with contentment.
Gu Xiuyi's legs felt like pins and needles the first time Ji Ruan sat on them, but once accustomed, they were indeed rather comfortable.
After all, where else could one find such a firm yet plush cushion on the market that requires no charging and even comes with a built-in heating feature?
Ji Ruan found it puzzling. Even if the milk brand remained the same, why did it taste richer at home compared to his dorm room? Every sip made him squint in delight.
"Ji Ruan?" Gu Xiuyi whispered, gently caressing his earlobe.
This touch was something Ji Ruan cherished. He hummed softly, "What is it?"
Supporting Ji Ruan's back for a better posture, Gu Xiuyi said, "I have something to tell you."
His tone sounded unexpectedly serious, prompting Ji Ruan to open his eyes.
"I have to go on a business trip out of town tomorrow," Gu Xiuyi said.
But tomorrow is the weekend...
That was Ji Ruan's immediate thought.
Weekends were when Gu Xiuyi stayed home with him, sometimes even venturing out for day trips.
Ji Ruan seemed to have grown accustomed to the presence of Gu Xiuyi by his side, and the news of a business trip left him visibly taken aback.
"I see..." Ji Ruan, clutching his milk glass, rested it on his thigh, then inquired, "How long will you be gone?"
Gu Xiuyi paused, a hint of regret evident in his features, "A week."
"That long?" Ji Ruan blurted, but then lowered his gaze, muttering, "Alright then..."
Gu Xiuyi gently caressed Ji Ruan's back, "I'm sorry. Next month is my grandfather's 80th birthday. There will be a lot to handle, so I need to sort out other matters beforehand."
"It's okay..." Ji Ruan shook his head, "You don't need to explain that much. I understand."
He knew Gu Xiuyi's busy schedule was the norm. His business trips had already reduced significantly recently, and Ji Ruan couldn't possibly ask him to stay.
However, upon hearing the news, Ji Ruan felt an unmistakable but subtle unease rising within.
This uneasiness resembled a beast lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportune moment to strike, making him feel perpetually on edge.
"Ji Ruan," Gu Xiuyi lifted his face so their eyes met, "If you get bored over the weekend, feel free to hang out with friends. You can also stay with Ms. Cheng or even go back to your dormitory."
Ji Ruan genuinely enjoyed Han Xiu's studio and the company of Cheng Zizhang and her daughter. It was in their presence that his nightmares ceased.
After some thought, he replied, "Then I'll stay with my senior."
"Alright," Gu Xiuyi responded with a smile, caressing Ji Ruan's face, "Before I leave tomorrow, I'll drop you off there."
Ji Ruan looked deep into Gu Xiuyi's eyes, forcing a smile onto his lips.
After Gu Xiuyi left, Ji Ruan spent his days embroidering with Cheng Zizhang and dining with Han Xiaolin and others. However, he couldn't shake a lingering sadness.
It felt as if a weighty stone was suspended in his heart. Unexplainable, yet swaying precariously, evoking a sense of impending dread.
Initially, Ji Ruan thought it was his growing dependence on Gu Xiuyi, but even their nightly video chats failed to alleviate his unease.

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