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Chapter 42
Gu Xiuyi glanced at his phone, and amidst the list of incoming calls, there was a lone cherry icon.
The tiny green leaf on the cherry's stem resembled those few stubborn strands of hair on Ji Ruan's head that just wouldn't stay down.
Ji Ruan indeed had called him, right after nine, around the time he'd typically have his milk.
A peculiar sensation arose in Gu Xiuyi's heart, as if a soap bubble had suddenly burst at a precise moment, making him realize something.
Ji Ruan rarely initiated calls to him, occasionally sending messages at best. Could today's call at this specific time mean that Ji Ruan had unconsciously associated 9 o'clock and milk with him?
In the future, every time Ji Ruan sees 9 o'clock or thinks of milk, he'd think of him.
Gu Xiuyi felt a warmth in his heart, akin to the satisfaction of seeing a carefully nurtured seed sprout.
"I apologize," he said, his expression unchanging as he draped an arm around Ji Ruan's shoulder, "My phone's mostly on silent; I missed all calls tonight."
Ji Ruan allowed himself to be guided forward, his fingers fiddling with the zipper on his jacket, "I also called Song, the assistant, but he didn't pick up either. Later, Dr. Li called and said you were drunk, so I came over."
The implication was clear: it wasn't that he was easily duped. Gu Xiuyi's failure to answer calls had misled him, allowing him to readily believe Li Sui'an.
Gu Xiuyi, of course, understood what Ji Ruan meant. The young man held grudges. He seemed bothered by being called "naive" and overtly and covertly stressed that he wasn't a simpleton.
Gu Xiuyi felt an urge to pinch his cheek again.
Suppressing the smile at the corner of his lips, he gently tousled Ji Ruan's hair with restrained fingers, "Hmm, I won't ignore your calls anymore."
"Really?" Ji Ruan laughed, but it was abruptly followed by a soft cough. The night air was chilly, and taking in a few cold breaths earlier had left a coolness from his throat down to his chest.
"Promise me then."
He paused, covering his mouth and nose momentarily before completing his thoughts.
Gu Xiuyi's hand trailed slowly down Ji Ruan's back, "I promise. I'll answer every call of yours... Why are you coughing again?"
Ji Ruan shook his head, moving Gu Xiuyi's hand away, "It's just springtime, isn't it?"
He had been to the hospital multiple times for his throat, but nothing serious was ever diagnosed. They said he had a sensitive respiratory tract, easily irritated.
Now, in the spring, with fluctuating temperatures and various dust and catkins floating in the air, he wasn't feeling at his best.
Gu Xiuyi was secretly worried but felt powerless. He couldn't exactly keep Ji Ruan locked indoors.
Looking at Ji Ruan, his eyes reddened from coughing, Gu Xiuyi even thought he seemed to have lost weight recently, with a more pronounced chin.
The bar spanned three levels; the first was for regular business, the second had private rooms for reservations, and the third was an exclusive area for select VIP customers.
Gu Xiuyi swiped a card, pushing open a heavy door to usher Ji Ruan inside. The space was vast, devoid of unnecessary decor. A few scattered ambient lights hung from the ceiling, a wall full of liquor shelves was in one corner, and the thick carpet on the floor muffled every footstep.
A few steps away by the bar, Li Sui'an waved at them.
Beside him was the tipsy Duan Ze, murmuring incoherently, and Song Ling, who was gripping a bottle, urging Duan Ze to stop drinking. Song Ling's tie was askew, making him appear rather frazzled.
Instead of heading their way, Gu Xiuyi led Ji Ruan to a sofa in the opposite direction.
Glancing at the time, he patted Ji Ruan's head, saying, "Wait here for me, I'll be right back."
Ji Ruan noticed him checking his watch and assumed he had important matters to attend to, obediently nodding, "Alright."
Gu Xiuyi smiled contentedly. Withdrawing his hand, Ji Ruan's hair trembled slightly before bouncing back to its original shape.
Gu Xiuyi hesitated, realizing he shouldn't have tried to compete with Ji Ruan's hair.
He turned to Li Sui'an and instructed, "Take care of things for me."
Li Sui'an raised his hand and nodded in understanding.
"Hey, Gu! Mr. Gu! Boss Gu!" Song Ling, seeing Gu Xiuyi about to leave, quickly stood up, "Wait for me! I'll come with you. I seriously can't handle this anymore!"
As he spoke, his sleeve was tugged, nearly causing Song Ling to stumble. Duan Ze, with a glazed look, said, "Where are you going, Old Song? Keep drinking! Come on, fill it up!"
"Damn it," Song Ling muttered as he wrestled his arm free, prying off Duan Ze's hand one finger at a time.
He pressed Duan Ze's head back onto the bar, "Rest a bit. Stop blabbering."
Duan Ze tried to pull Song Ling back, but Li Sui'an intervened with an outstretched arm.

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