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Chapter 44.
Two days later.
The weekend.
On a warm spring day, the grass grows tall, and orioles flit about.
Gu Xiuyi was stuck in traffic on the main road of the suburban ring, moving at a snail's pace amidst a rainbow of private cars.
Spring has arrived, and city dwellers seem to be flocking to the suburbs with great enthusiasm, bringing their families to enjoy the fresh green outdoors.
Gu Xiuyi drummed his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel, stealing a glance at the time. 11:05 am - still not too late, fortunately.
But if he got stuck in traffic a little longer, it would be uncertain. He needed to pick up Ji Ruan for lunch.
"Traffic congestion detected up ahead, recalculating your route..."
Every few minutes, the navigation wanted to offer him a new route, but in five minutes, he hadn't even moved ten meters. When he couldn't even advance, what was the use of rerouting?
Gu Xiuyi lifted his hand, and with precision, turned off the navigation.
Two nights ago, after bringing Ji Ruan back from the hospital, the little one huddled under the blanket, cheeks flushed, tugging at his sleeve, wanting to discuss something.
The sleepy wishes of the young one right before bedtime - whether it was a discussion or a decision already made, how could he refuse?
He would pluck the stars from the sky for him if asked.
That's what Gu Xiuyi had said.
Naturally, he phrased it more restrained and subtly, in keeping with his calm and composed image in Ji Ruan's heart.
Hence, Ji Ruan shared that Cheng Yunqiu wanted to take him as an apprentice, and he had already agreed.
Only a few hours ago.
One of the reasons he was coming to the bar to see him was because of this.
Upon hearing it, Gu Xiuyi felt a slight pang in his heart.
But it didn't matter; it was just one of the reasons. Besides, the fact that Ji Ruan came to the bar especially to seek his opinion was evidence of his importance to Ji Ruan.
And that in itself was a good thing.
If Ji Ruan had found something he was passionate about, Gu Xiuyi had no reason to object and would fully support him.
That's what he told Ji Ruan.
He then lulled Ji Ruan into a peaceful slumber.
However, Gu Xiuyi hadn't anticipated Ji Ruan's swift actions.
Ji Ruan had agreed to become a disciple that very night and was eager to conduct the initiation ceremony by the morning after next.
The renowned Master Cheng, along with the usually languid Ji Ruan, surprisingly displayed a strong determination in this matter.
Cheng Yunqiu was so enamored with Ji Ruan, he was worried his newfound apprentice might slip away.
As for Ji Ruan... Gu Xiuyi couldn't fathom his urgency. Especially since he hadn't recovered from his stomach ailment, having experienced pain just getting out of bed.
Ji Ruan's swiftness gave Gu Xiuyi the fleeting illusion that he wanted to distance himself.
This fleeting, yet deeply unsettling notion, drained Gu Xiuyi's enthusiasm throughout his morning meeting.
His current traffic jam only heightened his irritability.
What should've been a mere forty-minute journey took a full two hours. By the time he arrived, Ji Ruan's initiation ceremony had already concluded.
When Gu Xiuyi arrived, Ji Ruan stood by the door, idly kicking small stones on the ground.
Cheng Yunqiu owned a quaint courtyard in the suburbs, blooming with vibrant flowers that reached out with fervor beyond the fences.
Ji Ruan, dressed in a simple white shirt and grey knitted jacket, appeared refreshingly elegant amidst the vivid blossoms.
At noon, Cheng Yunqiu and another senior had a luncheon appointment. They had planned to bring Ji Ruan, but the seafood on the menu might aggravate his stomach condition, so he abstained.
Gu Xiuyi knew about this and volunteered to fetch him. Though they agreed on noon, he was regretfully half an hour late.

Had Ji Ruan not had two peach blossom cakes at Cheng Yunqiu's, he might've collapsed from hunger.
Gu Xiuyi stepped out of the car, quickly approached Ji Ruan, first checked his complexion, then silently placed a piece of candy into his mouth before gently draping an arm around his shoulders.
"Are you feeling alright?"
"...Starving." Ji Ruan replied weakly.
He pressed the candy to his palate, savoring the sweet flavor spreading in his mouth. His dizziness, however, remained, so he leaned, faintly, into Gu Xiuyi's embrace.
"My mistake."
Gu Xiuyi's palm touched Ji Yuan's stomach through her clothes, her already flat belly felt slightly sunken, pitiful to the touch.
He moved his hand up a few inches, gently pressing on Ji Yuan's stomach: "Does it hurt?"
The pain wasn't too bad, but the hunger caused spasms. At times she'd also feel acid reflux. Ji Yuan, with her eyes closed and pale lips, murmured, "A little..."
Seeing her condition, Gu Xiuyi didn't hesitate. He half-carried, half-hugged her into the passenger seat. Luckily, the road was much clearer now, and in no time, he chose a clean-looking beef bone soup restaurant.
With meat, vegetables, rice, and the aromatic and refreshing beef bone soup, after a few sips, Ji Yuan's lips, which even fruit candy couldn't rejuvenate, finally regained some color, returning to their natural light red.
Although the restaurant specialized in bone soup, its interior was elegantly designed with a countryside ambiance. From the private rooms on the second floor, one could see the flowers and plants in the yard, along with white butterflies.
Ji Yuan took a seasonal vegetable with soft rice and chewed slowly. No matter how hungry, he never abandoned his table manners, eating gracefully and quietly without making any noise.
Unsurprisingly, at such times, no topic seemed worth discussing. Ji Yuan would merely hum short responses while concentrating on the meat and soup in front of him. If one wished to hear him speak, they'd have to wait until his lengthy chewing was over.
Yet, even then, he might only utter a few words before taking another mouthful, leading to a continuous cycle of prolonged chewing, waiting, and perfunctory responses.
Gu Xiuyi was well-versed in this dining routine. He never tried to strike up idle chit-chat from the outset, only occasionally reminding Ji Yuan to be careful of the hot food. The room was filled with the bubbling sound of the soup pot, and no other distractions.
This manner of eating initially aligned with Gu Xiuyi's preference. Perhaps it was the contrast to his boorish father, but he had always admired those who dined with grace and poise.
At the beginning of their marriage, Ji Yuan seemed like someone delicate and high-maintenance - not the perfect partner by traditional standards.
However, Gu Xiuyi never considered anyone but Ji Yuan. This was largely due to their first meeting where they shared dinner, and he had the pleasure of observing Ji Yuan's elegant dining demeanor.
Gu Xiuyi remained silent, habitually watching Ji Yuan's every move, feeling refreshed and invigorated with each observation.
Eventually, Ji Yuan finished his bowl of rice, ladled some soup, and gently stirred it to cool down. Propping his chin with one hand, he gazed out the window at the butterflies, remarking,
"Oh, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."
He began leisurely, a slight exhalation accompanying his words, making his tone sound relaxed and content, as if truly enjoying the sight of the dancing butterflies outside.
This raised intonation, with its hint of languor, put Gu Xiuyi slightly on edge.
Although Ji Yuan looked beautiful like this, he had used this exact delicate tone two nights ago when proposing to become Gu Xiuyi's apprentice.
"What is it?"
Gu Xiuyi responded with a calm tone.
Ji Ruan looked back, the vibrant spring beauty still reflected in his eyes, and said with a playful smile, "Next week, there's an event. The teacher is taking me and my senior along. It's one of those grand biennial occasions."
Gu Xiuyi, anticipating the news, nodded and said, "That's great. The good weather will do you well; it's beneficial for you to get out more."
"That's wonderful. I can start packing when I get home then."
Gu Xiuyi looked up, "Packing?"
"Yes, it's out of town. I'll be on a trip."
Ji Ruan took up his soup bowl, gracefully took a sip, his fluid movements revealing a glimpse of his wrist beneath the loose cuffs of his white shirt.
He rarely wore shirts. Including the day they got their marriage certificate, this was only the second time Gu Xiuyi had seen this particular shirt on him-a small, inked bamboo stitched onto the cuff, adding a touch of quiet scholarly charm.
Almost a year had passed, and Ji Ruan's delicate features were even more radiant and full of life than when they first met.
A momentary blankness crossed Gu Xiuyi's face before he realized, Ji Ruan had grown into an adult, capable of traveling on his own.
Mixed feelings welled up inside him, joy paired with an irrational fear of "losing Ji Ruan."
He set down his chopsticks, leaning back in his chair, his arms resting on the armrests and legs comfortably crossed.
After a while, he asked casually, "Sounds intriguing. Will there be an exhibition of works as well?"
Ji Ruan, always eager to discuss his interests, lit up, "Yes, many iconic embroideries will be displayed. Not just Han embroidery, masters from the four famous embroidery schools will attend. There's also an auction. Both my teacher and senior will contribute a couple of their own pieces for it."

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