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Chapter 54
It had been four days since Gu Xiuyi last held Ji Ruan in his arms to sleep.
He began to deeply recognize the gravity of the situation.
"What did you actually do to her?"
Inside the spacious lounge, the sunlight of late spring and early summer streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, making the whole room seem serene and gentle. One could even sense the warm scent of the sunlight in every breath.
On the light blue fabric sofa, a man sat with his back to the windows, a halo surrounding him, yet shadows marked his brow, painting a troubled expression.
Li Sui'an placed two cups of coffee on the round table, then casually sat opposite Gu Xiuyi. While sipping his own coffee, he observed Gu Xiuyi's demeanor-clearly a look of emotional distress.
Elbow on the table, with a teasing smirk, he asked, "What's up? Share with me... I might offer some insights."
Gu Xiuyi gave him a sidelong glance, leisurely lifted his coffee for a sip, and frowned, "Is this instant coffee?"
"What else would it be?" Li Sui'an replied, "This is a hospital, and our department is always busy. Who has the time to grind fresh coffee for you? Stop being so picky."
Gu Xiuyi responded with a cold, fixed stare.
Undeterred, Li Sui'an laughed, "Who are you trying to intimidate? Despite your fussiness, you still came here for advice, didn't you?"
Among friends, Li Sui'an, who had the smoothest romantic journey and a stable three-year relationship with his girlfriend, often played the role of a relationship guru, offering advice for friends' love lives.
Even Song Ling, who had never been in a relationship, frequently sought his guidance, taking meticulous notes for future reference, so that if he ever fell for someone, he wouldn't be completely clueless.
But a kingpin like Mr. Gu once looked down upon these love seminars. Every time Song Ling attended, he'd always decline using work as an excuse.
To see Gu Xiuyi in such a state was quite pleasing to Li Sui'an.
He tapped on the table, "Come on, spill it. I need to know the details before I can help you out."
Gu Xiuyi lifted his eyelids to assess Li Sui'an, seemingly pondering if the amused-looking man before him was indeed trustworthy.
Upon reflection, he realized that apart from Li Sui'an, there wasn't another close acquaintance who took love seriously.
"I..." After a brief hesitation, Gu Xiuyi began, "I made him cry."
Li Sui'an raised an eyebrow, "Impressive."
After receiving a lethal glare from across the table, he coughed, "Alright, alright, let's be serious. What made him cry? I recall Ji Ruan isn't the crying type, is he?"
He does cry quite a bit, thought Gu Xiuyi.
When groggily asleep and unable to wake, even reciting a recipe could make him cry out of longing. His tears always caught one off guard and were unstoppable.
Of course, Gu Xiuyi wasn't about to let Li Sui'an know this.
"Hmm," Gu Xiuyi simply responded.
"Oh..." Li Sui'an rubbed his chin in contemplation, "Then it must have been something you did."
"What did you do or say right before he cried?" Li Sui'an inquired.
Gu Xiuyi thought back, appearing slightly uneasy, "I," he cleared his throat, "Well, I told him he means the most to me."
"Well done, Old Gu!" Li Sui'an's eyes sparkled, looking as though he'd stumbled upon some gossip.
"Was there something wrong with what I said?"
"Of course not, that's essentially a confession!"
"Then why did he cry?"
"He was clearly moved," Li Sui'an declared confidently.
Gu Xiuyi looked doubtful, deep in thought. "But... he's been avoiding me lately, always seeming distant."
"That's normal," Li Sui'an said with an air of experience. "It's just shyness. Right after I confessed to my Yuan Yuan, she was so shy she kept avoiding me. Her cheeks would turn red at the slightest tease. It was simply adorable."
"It's not the same," Gu Xiuyi shook his head.
"It's not shyness, it's irritation. You know, when their cheeks puff out?" He pointed to his face, demonstrating. "Here, puffing out just a bit. It looks especially cute from the side, and when you poke it, it gives way. Oh, you wouldn't know, you've never seen it. From the front, it's cute too, but from the side even more so-"
"Of course, I know! How could I not? It's not like I don't have a wife!" Li Sui'an became immediately defensive. "My Yuan Yuan is just as cute when she's irritated. What do you know about it?"

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