Peasant! -2

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In the bathing chamber Katsuki was surrounded by women, he didn't like them tho. They were fussing over him.

'Is this what the others went through?'

"Alright, sweetie would you mind getting in the water?"

A woman with pink hair and dark skinned asked him,

"We've been assigned to bathe all of you!"

Another woman, pink coloured cheeks and short brown hair barely down to her shoulder chirped.

The blond hair looked around, one, two, three,four and five. Five women. That's too much. He's only been around three maximum.(together)
One with long black hair tied into a high ponytail. Another one with blonde hair, just like his. And another one with long and lustrous green hair tied in a loose bun. They were the ones who he liked. They were calm. Not hyper like the raccoon and pink cheeks.

"Would you like us to leave?"

"Momo what? We've been assigned to-"


"It's his decision Camie. It's up to him. Izuku said it."

'Camie. Izuku?'


Momo turned her attention towards Katsuki again,

"What do you say?"

"He doesn't speak, we've tried."

'Pink Cheeks' replied.

"I do speak."

Silence filled the chamber.

"When I feel like it."

Momo smiled warmly at him,

"Should we leave?"


They all looked perplexed except Momo and the green haired woman.

They soon scurried out, but the green haired woman came back in.

"I'm Tsuyu. If you need anything just call me."

She smiled warmly at him,

"Thank you."

Katsuki and the others were now dressed in fancy clothes. They all were being led towards the main hall by the maids. Katsuki was up top,in front because the rest were scared.

The huge doors to the main hall were opened by soldiers guarding them, and thus they entered.

Katsuki was relieved once he saw the young prince again. The young prince smiled warmly at every one,

"You all must be confused, sorry-"

Katsuki's heart did a flip,

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, in line for the throne of the Jundo Kingdom. "


Katsuki will make sure that he remembers that name forever.

Izuku explained how he wanted to stop the evil hiding behind closed doors.

"What happened to you all was not okay. It wasn't right. I want to make sure that it never occurs again."

Katsuki has never listened to anyone so attentively,

"But I will need your help. I can't stop them all by my self. I need your help to make sure this never happens to anyone ever again, whether that be in this Kingdom or anywhere in this world. I know this is scary and I can't reveal much information now but I want you all to know that there are still people out there who need to be saved. So if any of you have anything that'll be helpful to us, please, step forward."

The greenette scanned the room with desperate eyes,

"I- I know some- some stuff about them."

Izuku's eyes fell on the blonde.

"I know something."

Katsuki raised his head to meet Izuku's eyes,

"I overheard something between Chisaki and- and the man that-..."

Katsuki fell silent while Izuku gestured the guards to lead the rest of them outside.

As soon as everyone left Izuku stepped closer to Katsuki,

"Your name?"

"Kat- Katsuki."

Izuku smiled,



The blonde looked up towards him,

"It suits you."

The blonde was flabbergasted. His cheeks turned red while the prince smiled.

So, I'll turn this into an official book.

One-shots: Dekubaku Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin