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The lands of the Jundo Kingdom were astonishingly beautiful. Their people were the sweetest of all. The royal family was the most famous among the eastern royalties. The kingdom appeared perfect. But behind all that was the darkness, the brightest light of the kingdom created such a huge shadow. People thought that it would never end, until, the young prince was born. Stubborn, young and determined, Izuku Midoriya was ready to boycott all the evils of his kingdom.

And due this, he met Katsuki. A fellow victim of human trafficking and with scars all over. He was used as a slave for about six years now after his parents' death. He knew it was wrong but nobody opposed it, which led to his hatred towards people. That was until he met Izuku.

The cold winter breeze hit Katsuki causing slight goosebumps when the door to his cell was pushed open. Due to the very dim light , he couldn't see much but his mind was filled with thoughts. He thought that whoever entered the cell was just another person to use him so he didn't react much when he was picked up, but for the very first time, not roughly. This aroused his curiosity. Soft, gentle hands held him up.

"Can you stand properly?"

Came the question, from a deep voice which made Katsuki's heart feel somewhat different. Usually people asked him this so that they could use his now fragile body in different ways but this time, the question came in a complete different tone. A tone filled with sincerity and concern.

The blonde hummed in response.

"Okay, so- wait-"

Katsuki felt the arms around him fall loose and saw the man in front of him take off his long, sap green, winter robe and wrap it around Katsuki. Katsuki only wore a silk shirt , which hasn't been washed in a month. He felt warm when he was covered by the robe. Then again, he was held gently and lead out through the door.

Katsuki walked limply while leaning against the tall man. When they were finally out of the old build and light shone over the unidentified man, he could finally see him properly. With long, green curles which were messy but still perfectly fit his face and those freckles, damn. Katsuki has never met such a beautiful man. All he was met with were old hags looking for ways to use him.

"Is that the last of them, young prince?"

He looked up to see a man with blue hair, in shining armour while wearing spectacles.

'Young prince?'

His attention then shifted to the tall man, again.

"Ah- yes, He's was the last one Tenya."


Katsuki soon memorized the name, something he tends to do when he learns something new, which wasn't very often. He was then lead into a cart where he saw some familiar faces. All of them were just as confused. Then suddenly they felt a shake,as if the cart had been started which it had. Then about for a few minutes in kept on shaking, until it stopped. A large horn was blown which pretty much scared everyone in the cart.

The door to cart was then pulled open, men dressed in armour guided them out. As Katsuki went out, he saw Tenya again. But the ruby red eyes were searching for the so called young prince.

He was then led inside the huge castle that stood mightily in front of him, going through the halls he noticed paintings of the 'Young Prince' along with a green haired woman who looked just like him.

'His Mother."

Katsuki thought,

"Umm, excuse me!"

A red-headed guard called out to him, when he turned to look, he saw sharp teeth grinning at him. The poor blonde got scared and started to back up.

"Woah there, be careful..."

He looked behind him to see the green haired man from before. He quickly went behind him to hide his pale form.

"Kiri, I told you to be careful! What did you say to him?"

Kiri raised his hands,

"Nothing Izuku, I swear!"


Katsuki didn't like humans, but this Izuku seems like he could be an exception.

So, I'll make more parts for this shot because it is quite long. Some context for y'all to understand:

Katsuki is 18 in the present. His parents passed away when he was 12, and they had some debt to pay off. He has had basic knowledge and is quite smart.

Anyways thanks for reading!

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