Love at first sight.

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They say love at first sight doesn't exist, then why is he still here?
He was there, he is there and he will continue to be there for Katsuki. Every single second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, he's been there. It's been 11 years since they first met.


The blonde who was previously stuck in a trance seemed to have come to reality,


"What are you thinking?"

Izuku whispered in a soft tone,

"About us, you."

A chuckle.


"Yeah...My parents always used to say that love at first sight didn't exist..."

The blonde turned his head, to face the greenette properly and asked,

"Do you believe that?"

"If I did then I wouldn't be here right now."

Katsuki laughed lightly and hit Izuku on his shoulder,


"What? How am I the idiot?"

The greenette cupped the blonde's face and laid a soft kiss on his forehead, then on his nose and then finally met those soft lips desired by everyone. This made the blonde hug him,

"You're my idiot."

Izuku smiled softly,

"That's better..."

"Pfftt- dumbass..."

When people say that love at first sight doesn't exist, they lie. It does exist. They just haven't experienced it yet. At least that's what Katsuki thinks.

"I still can't believe it's been eleven years since I first met you Kacchan...."

"Hmmm....Yeah, you really were a dumbass..."

11 years ago (Flashback bought to you by the plot)


A frustrated scream lingered in the drunk mind of the greenette, on being dizzy and wasted he followed the scream. There he saw Katsuki, a beautiful blonde who looked too good to be alone,

"You're really preety!"

Katsuki turned around and looked at the man behind him, then he laughed, probably not the most happy one,

"Well apparantly not enough for my date tonight."

"Your date ditched you?"

Izuku asked, his voice coming out as heavy and blurry due to the intoxication.

"Yeah...he did..."

"Come with-"

A hiccup.

"W-with me!"

In all honesty, Katsuki would be completely disgusted by a wasted man asking him weird questions that All might forbid means what he thinks it means but something about the greenette in front of him was different. He had quite a charming aura even with his hair being messy, loose shirt,and half done tie. When some light shone over him, his freckles were visible.

"You want me to come with you?"

"Yes! We'll make love- I'll - I'll"

Another hiccup.

"You want to make love? With me?"


While saying that Izuku almost tripped,

"You're drunk. Go home."

"No- Even while being d-"

Another hiccup,

"Drunk! I can recognise good people! I want to take you home!"

Katsuki was shocked to say the least, but something about the man seemed different. Way different. He's never seen someone like him before.

"I-I will take care of you! I promise!"

Those words which came out blurry and were probably intoxicated felt real . So fucking real.

"You- you will?"

Katsuki was drunk too, not to Izuku's extent tho. But all drunks make stupid decisions, don't they?


And the next thing you know, Izuku wakes up with a stranger in his bed.



The naked blonde turned around, with half of his body covered in marks and the other half covered due to the sheets. Izuku was mesmerized.
Love at first sight? Definitely!
The blonde fluttered his eyes open,


Izuku panicked,

"G-good morning?"

Katsuki snickered,

"Katsuki Bakugou."

Izuku smiled and said,

"Izuku Midoriya."


Love at first sight does exist. You just need to find the right person, even if the right person is completely wasted. Although this wasn't how Katsuki wanted to meet his soulmate, he wouldn't change a thing. Hey! I mean atleast they have a meet-cute, right?

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