Chapter 93: End of The Falcon's Reign (2)

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"Revenge is good. As good a fire to move forward as any. Remember those who stood on your fingers as you climbed the craggy cliffs. Remember their faces. Remember their families."

— Arnim Zola, (Captain America)


<[6 hours later]>

<{GCPD precinct}>

<(Omniscient POV)>

"Commissioner, we don't have any more space in our cells. We have arrested too many criminals. We can't even release some of them since we received evidence against all of them in serious charges. Plus we are shorthanded. A gang war broke out a few hours ago downtown after news of Falcon being arrested spread out. We are spread too thin right now. I think we should call for backup." One of the officers who was loyal to Jim politely advised, his voice carrying a tinge of frustration.

Both Jim and the officer were currently making their way to the special cell where they were holding Falcon. Their eyes had darkened and sunken in due to a heavy lack of sleep.

"I already have. They should be here within the hour... But that's not what is bothering me. Just within the last hour, I have already received 9 death threats that stated that they would kill me if I didn't release Falcon, 6 threats from various superiors of mine that ordered me to release him along with quite a few generous offers from some very rich men in an attempt to bribe me to make sure that their names would not be mentioned in our investigation.

I am worried about the fact that even with so much hard evidence, it would be hard to hold Falcon in prison. If I am right about how deep this rabbit hole goes, then he would most likely get bail on the very first day this case hits the court." Jim stated in dismay as both of them reached the 'VIP' cell that Falcon was currently relaxing in.

'It's a good thing that my daughter is not in the city right now, otherwise, protecting her would have been a headache at this time.' He thought to himself as he noticed the old leader of Gotham's most powerful crime family calmly sitting on a chair in his cell.

Jim Gordon was glad that he had let his daughter go to the Metropolis to complete her schooling. Whenever his daughter was in Gotham, he would always be worried for her safety. At least, this way she was safe in Metropolis. After all, what was the worst thing that had ever happened in Metropolis? Compared to Gotham, it was heaven.

"Ah. Commissioner, you are here. I thought that you had forgotten about your best friend. Interesting, your face tells me that you have had some interesting conversations with some of my friends, I presume?... So? Am I free? Or do you still want me to 'cooperate'?" Falcon asked with a small mocking smile.

"You aren't walking out of here a free man, Falcon. Even if I lose my job, I will make sure that you get your due punishment. I have promised someone that you will be judged appropriately by the court and I intend to keep it. And I have enough evidence to do exactly that too. I will make sure that you get locked up so deep that you never see the light of day ever again." Jim didn't have the slightest trace of fear on his face as he threatened the most powerful gang leader in Gotham.

"Oh, come on Commissioner. You and I both know that won't happen. You might be able to hold me inside this cell for a few more hours, maybe even days, but the moment I walk inside the court, I will be the one winning. I have friends in very high places dear Gordon and they will never let me go to prison...

I admit that those... Bat and Cat did catch me by surprise but never again. Plus, even if by some miracle I do get a few years in jail, do you think, I won't be able to escape, or better yet, do you think I won't be able to handle and grow my empire while being stuck inside a prison? I can control the entire Gotham while sitting inside this cell Commissioner. I don't need to be free to do that." Falcon chuckled at Gordon's naivety who just stared at him begrudgingly, knowing that what he said was completely true.

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