Chapter 20: Goodbyes are not Forever

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"Losing people is a part of life, but that doesn't mean you stop letting them in."

—Batman, (The Lego Movie)


"Helena! I can't believe you're leaving. It won't be the same without you." Vicki said as she rushed forward and enveloped Helena in a tight hug.

"I'll miss you too, Vicki. You were a good friend." Helena hugged her back.

Bruce, Vicki, Selina, and Alfred had come to drop Helena and her uncle at the airport.

The bustling airport was filled with travelers hurrying to catch their flights. Among them, Helena stood with watery eyes at the entrance, her little suitcase beside her, as Bruce, Selina, and Vicki were standing before her, unwilling to let their friend go while Alfred was having a conversation with her uncle. Those two had also become good friends due to both their tempers being similar, they were both gentlemen. The very air seemed heavy with a mixture of sadness and gloom.

"Helena, we want you to know that we'll always be here for you, no matter the distance. You will always have a friend in us." Bruce said as he stepped forward, his voice filled with determination.

Bruce had wanted to be selfish and just keep Helena with him in Gotham. He had enough money to look after her but the question was could he really keep her safe? In a world where Kryptonians could not keep their own wife and unborn baby safe, what chance did he have at this stage, when he was just a child?

Maybe in the future, he would be powerful enough to not care about minor gangs and silly psychos with retarded senses of fashion but right now, he couldn't do that, he couldn't be selfish. No matter how much he just wanted to say 'fck off' to the plot and this world and keep Helena with her, he couldn't do it, at least not when he was still so weak.

"Absolutely, Helena. We'll call each other every day and keep you updated on everything happening here. You won't be alone." Selina nodded at Bruce's words, her eyes shining with sincerity.

"And we'll plan all the adventures we'll have when you come back! The three of us, together again." Vicki chimed in, her voice filled with anticipation.

"That sounds amazing, Vicki. I'll look forward to that." Helena said with a small smile.

"Remember, Helena, we'll always be just a phone call away. And if you ever need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to reach out." Bruce said as he took Helena's hand offering support and comfort.

"Helena the flight's on time. We have to go or we will miss it. We have to say our final goodbyes for now." Helena's uncle said as he lightly placed his hand on her shoulder.

"...Yeah." Helena's eyes were filled with tears. She had already lost her entire family in one fell swoop. She didn't want to let go of her friends so soon as well.

"But it's not goodbye forever, Helena. We'll see each other again. We promise." Vicki said as she was pulled in for a hug by Helena along with the rest of the gang.

It was a weird sensation for Bruce. This was his first time in a group hug. But he liked it. It felt like home, it felt like family.

"Thank you, guys. You've made this a lot easier for me to bear." Helena said as she wiped away her tears.

She then proceeded to give Bruce one final hug before leaving.

"Thank you for everything that you did for me. I promise that I will always keep your secret and that I will pay you back one day... Thank you." She whispered.

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