Chapter 6: I hate yelling

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"Simplicity is the easiest path to true beauty."



"Why did we have to go all the way to the library, couldn't the library just deliver the books that I want to the estate? Also, why can't we just buy the entire library and shift all the books that I want directly to our home?" Bruce nagged like a spoiled child as he looked at the shabby city outside through the car window while he and Alfred were returning from the library to the Wayne manor.

He didn't like going out of the comfort of his home into this cursed city every day, just to read some books.

"Well master, I asked the same question but apparently you cannot be the owner of a city-government-owned library. You can donate to it and thus experience some extra benefits but not buy it entirely. So I donated a generous amount to the library according to your wishes and got you the right to read any book you want in there, even the restricted ones. But the condition is that in case of such rare or restricted books, you will have to read them in the library and won't be able to take them out of the library premises." Alfred patiently explained to Bruce.

"*Sigh* I don't like it, but I guess you can't have everything you want in life." Bruce grumbled while thinking 'At least not so soon after my recent transmigration.'

"By the way, any news about my parent's murderer from Detective Gordon after our last conversation?" Bruce crassly asked.

"Unfortunately, no young master. But I do assure you that the culprit will get caught one way or the other. And when he does, I will make sure that he gets his due. He will never be able to see the outside world ever again." Alfred said with a distinct coldness in his normally caring voice.

"I hope so, I really do hope so." Bruce trailed off as he again shifted his attention outside.

Quite surprisingly, they were passing by the same alley where 'his' parents got killed that day. Bruce could feel it in his heart and bones, a chilling sensation of trauma and a lingering feeling of heartbreaking sadness. They were the suppressed emotions that the previous Bruce had left for him even after his death.

"Wait what is happening there?" Bruce suddenly spoke out as he noticed a group of people looking like thugs cornering a small poor looking child. "Alfred, we should help the child. I think he is in trouble."

"Master Bruce it's not safe for you. I am sure that someone else will definitely help the child, someone besides us." Alfred didn't want to stop the car and get involved in situations like these. He didn't want to do anything that could potentially endanger Bruce.

"Look, Alfred, I know where you are coming from. I probably would have agreed with you normally but that's a child who needs our help in the same alley where my parents were killed and I was shot while nobody came to help us despite our desperate yells and screams. Do you want the same thing to happen in the same place to another child?" Bruce pleaded as he looked and reasoned with Alfred.

He normally really wouldn't have bothered with stuff like these but even a selfish person like him couldn't just ignore a little child being harmed in front of his eyes. This was one of the few rare cases where he genuinely wanted to help someone without expecting anything in return. Besides he had no danger from ordinary thugs like these, not with his bat-tool still with him.

"Fine. Stop the car here Jimmy. And also Master Bruce, please don't get out of the car, no matter what happens." Alfred said as he opened the car door and got out of the car.

"Hello there gentlemen. May I ask what is happening here?" Alfred asked in a polite tone to the five people cornering the little child dressed in worn-down clothes which looked like they had been patched and melded multiple times.

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