Chapter 48: A Trip to Kathmandu

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"Love is not necessary, power is the only true necessity."

~Madara Uchiha, (Naruto)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"My senate position is more or less confirmed in the coming elections this year as my ratings are out of the chart due to the huge budget you allocated for my campaign, so you don't have to worry about that. The main question is if I'll be able to get the Senate majority leader position or not after I get elected because that will be a little difficult since I am new in the field and the party." Jonathan Kent, my newest political muse reported to me.

"Don't worry, I believe in you, Mr. Kent. That's why I invested in you in the first place. However, getting that majority leader position will be an extremely essential strategic achievement if you want to run for vice president position in the next elections and for president after that. It will be the most efficient way for you to show your hard work and priorities to people while also being able to make all the political connections you need to further your career." I said in a neutral voice.

"I understand your worries, Bruce. I'll try my best to win the upcoming elections. In fact, I think I'll be increasing my campaign by attending more public events after this." He nodded, looking really determined.

"Anyway, what about your friend and neighbor, Ross or something? Didn't he want to run for the Senate position as well? I thought that you said he even got a lot of public support. Would he be a problem?" I asked, not realizing how scary I sounded while asking that.

"What? Of course not. He is a friend, not a threat. Plus, we have decided to team up for our political career. He is running for the position of the governor of Kansas while I go for the Senator post." The older Kent quickly explained.

"Oh, then that's alright I guess." I nodded in appreciation with an awkward smile.

"By the way, don't hesitate to ask if you need more funds or resources. Remember, winning the Senator position is the most important thing for you right now, not saving money." I reminded him.

"Yes, I understand Bruce. Don't worry, I won't let you down..."

"Darling, you are STILL discussing politics with Bruce? It has been TWO hours. You will bore the marbles out of the kid if you continue like this. Also, you haven't even had your lunch yet. By the way, how are you Bruce, honey? You should visit us at the farm again and bring Vicki and Selina with you as well. We really miss you guys. Even Clark misses you. That's why he tries to get in touch with you at least once a week." Martha Kent interrupted her husband, trying her best to fit into the camera frame in the video cal.

"I will after I come back from this spiritual trip of mine I promise. Anyway, I might not be able to contact you directly for a while after this due to my uhh, soul-searching trip, so I'll say this now, best of luck in the elections. If you need anything, don't hesitate to contact Alfred or Cortana. They would take care of any problems you could possibly have, so don't be shy in asking for their help.

Also, you guys took those vitamin shots I sent you right? They are the newest products from our company and are meant to make people have a longer life and healthier life span. It will restore your bodies to much better states than what they are currently at, so much so that you two of you will be as healthy as horses after taking them." I finished.

The serum that I sent them was a diluted version of the peak-tier serum. It was a lab-tested, commercialized product meant for the public in a few years, the administering of which could help the user live for ten to twenty years longer without suffering any side effects or being affected by most genetic or other diseases that came from old age as long as one took repeated doses of the drug.

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