Chapter 10 : Relief and Proposals

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Relief and Proposals

"Baba, Mama, I'm sorry but I have realized that I can't go through with this wedding. Zaviyaar's hate for me is too much, he can't even stand the sight of me. He's a rage-filled maniac who is dangerous, and I refuse to spend the rest of my life in fear, never knowing which of my actions will cause him to lash out.

I'm truly sorry for leaving the way I am but I know that if Mama finds out what's going through my head, she'll do anything to stop me. I know it is selfish to leave right now but I also can't stay and marry a psycho. I'm going to a place far away for now. You don't have to worry about me, I'll stay safe. But for now, I need to go away.

Baba, I'm sorry, please forgive me...

Yours, Ayesha."

Each time I read those words, relief coursed through my entire body. Thank fuck she ran away herself. If she had left it to me, she might not have had any legs left to run away on. Good riddance.

It was an hour ago that I received Father's call, asking me to come to the Malik's residence urgently. I had driven in a hurry because of how serious his voice sounded. Upon arriving, the atmosphere at the Malik residence was tense, to say the least.

Father sat on the sofa, his face expressionless while Mother, sitting beside him, appeared to be in shock. Mr.Malik's condition was no better than Mother's whereas his wife was crying her heart out. What the fuck happened here? Is Imani okay?!

As soon as I'd entered, everyone's gaze had turned to me. Mr.Malik, however, seemed indifferent, not caring about anything at that moment. Mrs.Malik had only cried harder upon seeing me. I slowly walked over to Father who simply handed me the letter.

This brings us to now, I just hope the relief of escaping this wedding wasn't visible on my face. I leaned back against the wall, simply watching the scene unfold.

"Nawaal, how could you?! You promised me your daughter was happy and willing for this marriage, THEN WHAT IS THIS?!" Mother's voice was reaching new levels as she screamed at Mrs.Malik.

"Nayaab, I don't know how this could happen... Just two days ago, we talked and she was happy with everything." Mrs.Malik's voice was shaky, the fear in it was evident.

"Nawaal, Do you think I'm a joke?! Pulling this stunt so close to the wedding! I can ruin your entire fucking reputation!" So that's what the fear is about.

"Nayaab, listen to me, please -"

"Enough." Father's voice was loud as he interrupted Mrs.Malik's blubbering.

"Ayesha is already gone; there's nothing we can do in regards to her right now. But what we can do is try to save both the family's faces." What are you saying, Father...?

"The news of the marriage has already spread like wildfire. A wedding has to happen whether we like it or not. So, I propose... that we get Imani married to Zaviyaar instead." I snapped my head up to look at Father as shock filled the room. Gasps of shock and outrage became evident due to his words.

"What did you just say?" Mr.Malik's voice was not above a whisper as he slowly raised his gaze to fix it on Father.

"Hamdaan, listen to me first. The media -"

"TO HELL WITH THE MEDIA! NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO EVEN LOOK AT MY DAUGHTER!" Mr.Malik's booming voice was loud and terrifying as he refused to even listen to Father's words.

Even I was shocked by what he had just proposed. I was about to step towards him but without even looking back, he signalled me to wait. What is going on inside his head? Regardless of all the questions arising inside me, I decided to back down for now.

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