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I married him... I said yes... his name is on my hands, how the heck is his name on my hands so quickly. It's like everything was already in place to hand me over to him. The scent of fresh flowers mingled with the sweet notes of the wedding melody as I sat beside him, my eyes fixed on the intricate patterns of henna on my hands. The grandeur of the wedding hall enveloped us in an opulent embrace, an extravagant facade designed to conceal what was actually going on behind closed doors.

I stole a glance at him, my now husband - a man I barely knew beyond the glossy pages of society magazines and the accidental meetings. His sharp jawline and meticulously styled hair presented an image of composure, a mask that mirrored my own. But his eyes, his deep-brown, almost black eyes, displayed exactly how much anger he felt. Tension lingered within his clenched jaw and stiff shoulders. Smile, you buffoon. At least pretend you don't hate this. But why would he? The scandalous actions of my sister had brought shame not just to our family but his as well. And yet, he maintained composure.

As I cast my eyes across the sea of guests, their laughter and chatter created a sense of happiness, of celebration when I felt the exact opposite. I sensed the weight of judgement, the silent gossip, and the unspoken insults. They reveled in the festivities, concealing their judgement behind smiles—a facade so typical in our society.

And then, I saw him—my father, standing at a distance, his gaze fixed upon us. His eyes, once filled with dreams for his daughters, now glazed with tears, reflected sadness and resignation. Meeting his gaze, my heart sank. He understood. He recognized that this was not the life I deserved, not the path he wanted for me. Yet, his hands were tied, just like mine.

I mustered a smile towards him, hoping to comfort him. 'I'm okay, baba.' I hoped my smile told him exactly that. I mouthed an 'I love you' towards him, but his eyes only filled with more tears before he turned around to compose himself. How I wish I could run to him right now and hug him tight. But I couldn't leave the stage. I couldn't even move without the media taking note. So I just sat there, with a fake smile plastered on my face.

The pulsating rhythm of the music underscored the anxious beats of my heart as I grappled with the reality of my sister's absence. Her disappearance, a scandal that threatened to tarnish the impeccable reputation of both our families, had cast a looming shadow over this union with me as the sacrificial lamb to salvage what remained of our dignity.

His voice, polite and measured, reached me through the cacophony. "I hope you understand what you just agreed to," he murmured, his eyes fixed on the crowd.

I nodded, my lips curving into a nervous smile. "I do. A marriage of convenience," I replied, the gravity of my situation leaving my heart filled with fear.

He glanced at me, his eyes empty except the slight flicker of anger. We were bound not by love but by circumstance, a contractual alliance to shield our families from disgrace. The weight of the unspoken hung between us, the uncharted territory of a future shaped by duty, not desire.

As the festivities continued around us, I couldn't shake the feeling that our lives had become a media sensation. From today onwards, the media would be looming like vultures around us, looking for a slight slip to tarnish our reputation further. Little did I know that hidden beneath the layers of obligation, the script of our lives was about to unravel, revealing a tale of unexpected twists and a love that defied the constraints of our upbringing.



700 words, people!

Hey lovelies! This is ShatteredInnocenz, new to the writing community. This is my first time actually publishing something I've written and this is very frightening! But at the same time, I can't wait to form friendships on here and have people enjoy what I'm writing.

This is the story of Imani and Zaviyaar, two individuals with opposite personalities, how they end up together, how they face their situation together and how they find out that the other person is exactly who they need.

I can't wait to share each and every step of this journey with you guys. Lots of love for all those who'll find this story and help bring me encouragement. 

Do read and comment. I would love to read them all. And I really hope you enjoy reading about this journey even more than I'm enjoying writing it. Vote, comment and share people. The more reads this would get, the more encouraged I would feel. ❤️❤️

Love you, Bye!! XOXOX

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