Chapter 3 : First Dinners and Break-In?

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I completed my final look by adding my traditional silver jhumkas. A once-over in my dressing mirror assured me that I was ready. The beautiful floor-length churidar dress, designed with a mixed colour pattern of various shades of purple and black, was the one I chose for tonight's event. I pinned the dupatta of the same design to my shoulder and chest to ensure that it covered me in case my body decided to be clumsy.

Before changing into my attire, I had also blow-dried my hair and slightly curled them at the ends. After crying about the mascara not being pretty for quite a while, I got mama to help me. That did result in me getting a lecture about how I should know such things already but hey, at least I'm still trying to learn them after 5 years of continuous failure.

After that epic lecture, I decided to skip the perfume. My scented lotion already caused a flowery scent to emanate from my entire body and adding perfume now seemed like it would be an overkill.

For my shoes, I was torn between heels and my Khussa. One the one hand, my heels would help me fit in better with all those tall, humongous people. But on the other hand, the Khussa would help me survive the night with uninjured feet. Decisions, decisions. Considering that I would want to kill myself anyways because of how awkward my encounters with people are, let's not kill my feet as well.

After making sure I had all my essentials in my light purple handbag, I took one last glance in the mirror before leaving my room. God, I hope I didn't make anyone late. Hurry Imani, hurry. I practically sprinted down the stairs, hoping that no one had to wait for me, only to realise... I'm the first one there. Cue the facepalm moment...

I should've known. Even though this dinner is for Ayesha, she still isn't worried about being on time. Can you imagine being late to the first official meeting with your very own future in-laws?

"Wow, you look like a purple goblin vomited all over you, kiddo." That, my friends, is my older brother, Huzaifa Malik. Dressed impeccably in a black dress shirt with matching dress pants, paired with a brown belt and polished formal shoes, he looked ready to charm the media.

 Dressed impeccably in a black dress shirt with matching dress pants, paired with a brown belt and polished formal shoes, he looked ready to charm the media

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All that charm goes away though whenever he opens his mouth in front of me. Because every time that happens, something borderline annoying comes out. 'Your hair looks like it hasn't seen shampoo in weeks.', 'When was the last time your skin had some sun, vampire?', or my favourite, 'Your eyes look like someone put huge bowls under your eyelids to make them bigger, little gremlin.'. These are but a few examples of just how he likes to annoy me.

"And you look like you're going to a 'business meeting' soon, bhai." I countered in a matter-of-fact tone. I know quite well that he's planning on sneaking out after dinner for his 'business meeting', and I made sure to put air quotations on 'business meeting' to let him know that I knew exactly what he's up to.

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