Chapter 8 : Headlines and Forgetfulness

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Headlines and Forgetfulness




Page after page, everyone was only discussing Zaviyaar's wedding. Some talked about the 'unlucky' girl while some expressed jealousy over him getting hitched too soon.

I kept flipping the pages of the magazine, each containing articles and pictures of the upcoming union between the Maliks and the Khans. Wow, these people have too much free time on their hands.

I threw the magazine back on the table and got up to escape to my room. Navigating through the mess of flowers and colorful drapes strewn everywhere was a task in itself. And escaping without getting noticed was an even bigger one.

It's been two months since dinner and everything is moving far too quickly for me to understand much. But one thing is clear as day for anyone to see: Zaviyaar is anything but interested in this wedding or Ayesha.

Every time Ayesha has tried to invite him out on a date, he's refused. When she got all dressed up in a pretty gown for their engagement, he didn't even bother complimenting her, let alone properly looking at her.

One time she even tried to see him at his office, and by God, that was the worst of all his rejections when he refused to let her even enter his floor. I guess that was her breaking point because I finally saw her lose her anger when she got home.

As soon as she entered, she threw away her bag and yelled at anyone who came near. She even broke quite a few expensive pieces of decor before Mother managed to drag her away to her room. I felt bad for her but she did kind of choose him by herself.

It took a few hours for Mother to calm her down and by that time, Mrs.Khan arrived to console her precious daughter-in-law. And this time, she didn't even have the pretend smile on her face, her serious expression was chilling.

Now, I might be called annoying for doing it but I may have eavesdropped on their conversation. And let me tell you, that was an eye-opening one.

The way Mrs.Khan addressed her son was appalling, as if he wasn't a human being but an animal, whose reins she was now handing over to Ayesha. Just what the heck was going on behind closed doors?!

She advised Ayesha to try appealing to his traditional side and cook something for him since her "seduction skills were clearly lacking". After that, even I was like, "What the heck did I just hear.."

And since Ayesha doesn't know how to cook, she decided packing away some of the food I made for Baba, before he even ate mind you, was the better choice.

She didn't even bother asking. I had to make something else for Baba afterward since she barely left any behind. At this point, I was kind of annoyed but also invested in her attempts, what was it going to take for that guy to melt?

I got to know the results of her attempt when I saw her stomping back upstairs the next day. Her muffled scream that followed was even more proof that she was once again rejected.

I asked the driver about the food but he told me that she threw it away after he refused to dine with her. She could have returned it, I put so much effort into making that...

I thought this might put a damper on the wedding preparations but no, everything was proceeding as decided. If you ask me, Mrs.Malik seems to be in too much of a hurry, or maybe this plan has been brewing for a long time. At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised if the latter was true.

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