PART TWO Pages 196-201

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    I’m going for a scenic jog on the sandy shore of Cannon Beach, just to clear through everything that has been going on. I was right; drama wasn’t too far off along the trail of my life. Anyway, I feel nostalgia as I remember how I would often go for early morning walks in Leclaire Park with Noah. It has always been a treasure, each one of those serene strolls. Today, I can only hold my head high and stay focused on Christ.

Or, let’s be honest; I won’t make it!

    I’ve made the decision to try something new this semester and crawl ever so slightly out of my safe and secure turtle shell. And, you know what? Noah and all my friends have encouraged me to do so. Since that’s how the Good Lord would have it, I figure I’d try out for the official BH Chess Team. It more than likely won’t be easy to get in, as the activity is no joke, and there’s stark competition. However, Andrew, Joshua’s older brother, used to teach me the game when I was younger, and the main rules have stuck with me.

I want to make sure there’s a consistency in Noah and I’s conversations, so I am going to call him before I head off to class; he’s become a huge priority in that way.

“Hey. Good morning, Quiver Boy.”

“Hey, Queen of Calm. What’s gotten my princess up so early??” He mumbled groggily.

“Aw, poor prince. Did I wake you? I can call you later, I just-”

“Nah, no. It’s fine. I just stayed up really late last night at a birthday party. My cousin Lateisha’s.”

“Oh. Okay, then.” I didn’t really know what to think. I certainly didn’t want to, hypothetically, be the jealous girlfriend, or worried, but parties entail certain things. Which leads to even more things, until it all comes to a crashing, burning halt.

I think he could tell what I was thinking.

“Don’t worry, Marisa. Nothing outrageous or of those sorts happened. I just hung out a bit with some guy acquaintances, and had a good time.”

“I’m not worried. Not really, anyway. I’m just glad you enjoyed yourself. Even if it means other girls were around you all night.” I muttered the last sentence to myself.

“What was that?”

“Nothing.” I blushed, as I know I’m being absolutely ridiculous. Thank God we weren’t on a video call.

“Come on, Marisa. You have to trust me. It’s the foundation of this relationship, and whatever precious thing we’ll hold onto in the future.”

I sigh. “Okay, but, don’t expect me to not wonder about what goes on in those parties. It’s like you’re hot and you don’t know it, but everybody else does.”

“And you’re beyond raise-the-dead gorgeous, and you don’t know it.” Yep, he’s totally smirking right now. A kind smirk.

It was useless to keep disagreeing with him, so I relented.

“Well, at least you think so. I really do love you, Noah. I have to get ready for school soon, but I’ll text you later, okay?”

“Yeah. I love you too, Marisa.”

With that, he ended the call and I took in a grateful gulp of air. My life is extraordinary with Noah; and, to be truthful, I like it that way.

    Right now, I’m taking part in my first chess session of the year. Since I have only just now come to the school, it will still take some getting used to. But, at least I need not worry about friends, seeing that God has already provided. Nonetheless, I am still nervous. Now that I think about it, I really should’ve asked Noah for a pep talk this morning. It’s fine, I guess. I’ll just do my very best.

    To my surprise, Margot is actually here. I had no idea she was into chess; but, then again, I have no idea about most of the things about her. I remember how sad, maybe even depressed, she had looked the day I met her. That is exactly why I am determined to befriend her. All I have to do now is start up a conversation.

“Hi, Margot!” I greeted her exuberantly.

“Hey, um. What’s your name?” she whispers like an endangered species of cat defending itself.

She’s right; I realize I’ve never even told her my name.

“My name is Marisa. I just wanted to see if you’re doing okay.”

Oh, my gosh!! How could I have said something so obvious?!

“Um, okay. I’m doing fine, um, I guess.”

“Glad to hear it, Margot! Would you like to be friends?”

“Um, sure, I guess, um.”


That did not go very well; but at least now we’re on a friendship status.

    I have to say, this whole chess thing really is no joke, and I almost couldn’t keep up. But I’m finding out that Margot is such a sweetheart inside, and great friend material. In fact, in some ways, she reminds me of Sonia. Whenever I didn’t understand an aspect of the game, she would take the time to help me out and show me the way. I really respect her; so much so, that I feel she deserves being donned a nickname.

I’m also planning on introducing her to my newest friends.

    All in all, I know I did not waste my time coming to this session. Surprisingly, chess has actually now given me a newfound sense of confidence, because it’s, slowly but surely, teaching me discipline, wisdom, and sharp brain skills all at once. My favorite character is the bishop, although I’m aware the queen is, theoretically, the most powerful piece. I can’t wait to learn more about the game itself, and grow stronger intellectually along the way. Margot and I made a pact to keep each other accountable in the game, and practice often on the weekends. By the way, we’ll know who made it after another session next week. I’d definitely love to see where this goes.

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