PART ONE Pages 167-174

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    Today is the day. Today is the day I face the facts. Honestly, I’m not as terrified as I thought I would be. Come whatever may today, I plan to hold my head high in the midst of the chaos. Trust is something I’ve been learning little by little, and today is like a test for me.

“Are you ready to go, Marisa? As in, do you have all your things, and is everything else okay?”

“I think so.” I paused for a moment to breathe in the fresh wind of change. “Thanks, again, Noah, for helping me get things ready.”

“No problem, Queen of Calm.”

“I sure don’t feel calm, Quiver Boy.”

“You’ll be fine, even though I know you think you need me.”

I stop for a minute with what I’m doing. I tilt my head at Noah, a question illustrated on my face.

“Who are you, Noah Satchell?”

“Wh-what do you mean?” He reddens, somewhat stiffening in response to my challenging, straightforward inquiry.

“Just. . . why do you seem so perfect?”

He chuckled slightly at my words. “I don’t know. Why do you seem so curious?”

“Marisa, we leave in half an hour! So, please, wrap things up!!” Mom rushed past me.

“Okay, Mom!” I call out in reply.

I had already said my goodbyes to Sonia and Katara yesterday, so today I had all the time in the world for Noah. I plan to make the most of this(possibly last) in-person moment with him.

“So,” I went on, “what’s your middle name?”

“You think I’m going to give you the answer that easily?” While a playful grin spreads across his face.

“Wait, what?” I am taken aback by Noah’s stance. Somewhat, anyway.

“I want something out of this. You’re leaving today, and I may never see you again. . .”

“Optimism and positivity, remember?”

“Yeah, yeah.” He nods and gulps out the words. He appears to be getting       emotional.

“It’s just. . .” he continues, “I was hoping we could set out a plan for meet-ups and video calls, maybe?”

He came across as adorable whenever he was unsure about something.

“Of course, Quiver Boy, but. I don’t know if we have enough time. . .”

“Please!” He begged, taking a desperate and firm hold of my wrists.

“Okay.” I whisper, realizing how much he needs this. And, quite truthfully, how much I need this.

With the twenty minutes that remained before I would say ‘farewell’ to Edwardsville and everyone in it, Noah and I set out a game plan. Not that any of this was actually a game.

“Well, Queen of Calm, a deal’s a deal.”

“Yes, that is so.” I smiled triumphantly, feeling that this had been a win-win for us both.

“My middle name is Timothy. And yours is?”

“Georgina. Wait, what just happened?”

“Haha!” Quiver Boy laughed, also triumphantly.

I thumped him on his left shoulder. I never, ever told anyone my middle name. Not even Sweet Sony and Kat Kar. It is just too embarrassing.

“Hey! Ow! I thought princesses never responded that way to their beloved princes?!” He cried in mock indignation.

“Sorry, but you might just blabber this to one of your friends. I mean, who’s to say you won’t run into Zedekiah one day soon?” I rant.

“I would never.” Barely a hoarse breath. 

    The world fades away, if even for just a second, as a strong sense of chemistry draws back and forth between us. And, as my Mom starts jogging towards us, I feel Noah’s hand take hold of mine one last time. Just before Mom reaches the garage where we are, I lean my head on his shoulder. And, just like that, we have taken a trip down memory lane, defying all science and traveling back into the past. I don’t want this to end. I just don’t.

“Is everything packed and ready, Meow Mare?” Mom asks, breathless.

“Yes, Mom. Let me just say one last goodbye, and I’ll meet you in the car. Is that okay, Mom?”

She starts to say something, but then stops. She nods silently, understanding what is happening.

“Why’d you ask for more time?”

“Shhh. Don’t question it,” I instruct him, covering his lips with my right index finger.

“Okay, Marisa.” There goes that wondrous humility again.

“Well, I guess this really is goodbye.”

“You know how cliche that sounded?” Noah jokes.

“Well. . . Noah Satchell, here is my confession; you make me a very cliche person and somewhat hopeless romantic.”

“Glad to hear it, Queen of Calm.”

I pout upon hearing his nickname for me. Which, in case it’s not clear, I may never hear again. Oh, yeah. I’ll see him on video calls, and in-person on holidays. Maybe this really will go somewhere.

“I’m just glad to be your girl, Noah. Just glad.”

He smiles broadly and brightly as my lips form those words. Then he blushes the brightest hue of red I’ve ever seen.

“Alright, time to go now, Marisa.”

Sheesh. It was like Mom had snuck up on us. But it might just be because I had wrapped myself up in Quiver Boy’s eyes.

“Got it, Mom. Bye, Noah!” I waved vigorously standing there, walking to the white 2015 Hyundai Tucson we owned, and even sitting in the vehicle. He waved just as vigorously. There was no need for words, as we understood each other. Always have and always will.

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