PART ONE Pages 135-138

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"Afternoon, sweetheart." Mom cheerfully greets me as I walk in the door after a walk in Leclaire Park.

Little does she know, though, that Noah is following close behind me. Why? Well, he and I had discussed it, and came to the decision that we want this relationship to go somewhere, if not now, then someday. So, he's going to ask for my mom's blessing so we can be a couple as soon as I turn seventeen.

As he turns the corner of the living room, close behind my heels, and enters the kitchen where Mom and I are, her face lights up. For some reason, it always seems like she is actually shipping us together. So, it's no surprise when she starts making conversation.

"Hey, Noah. It's good to see you around here." She winks as she says this.

"Mom!" I whisper-shout, trying to scold her quietly.

"It's okay, Queen of Calm. It's totally fine if you're really into me. The feeling's definitely mutual." Noah reassures me.

I swoon involuntarily, while feeling to cry at the same time. What else could I feel in that moment? I was going to win the Guinness World Record for best teenage girl humiliation magnet on planet earth. (Sigh).

After some more conversation, Quiver Boy gets a call from his mom, reminding him of his curfew, and so he politely bids us farewell and rides his bike home. That left a lot of room for Mom and I to talk. Also, if you're wondering, she did give her consent for us to date in the near future. Anyway, next Thursday is when we have to make the move, and I'm really dreading it. I can not believe I wasted a whole entire week in the hospital, when I could have been spending time with Sonia and Katara, and going on not-really-dates with Noah. Oh, well. I guess everything happens for a reason.

"Sweetheart, I want you to know there's no need to worry about the move."

"There isn't?!" I shriek. I don't know what's happening, and why, but this may just get ugly.

"Watch your tone, young lady" Mom wags her finger in my face.

"I am free to speak however I wish to!!" I raise my voice even louder.

This is not good. When I get like this, I'm uncontrollable.

"Marisa, please. I am not your enemy here. Change is. But that can go a different way if we try to turn things around, and I would appreciate it if you jumped on the bandwagon less reluctantly."

"Mom, you just don't understand." I lower my voice. "My whole life has been boring and disinteresting, until now. I don't at all have a clue as to why, but it's like you're trying to ruin things for me!!" I return back to screeching volume.

"You know that is not true. I only want the best, and nothing else, for you."

My heart softens at her words. But it hardens into a stone again at the thought of her stupid stubbornness! How can she not see the dire mistake of a decision she's making?

"Well, I think we both need some space from each other right now. So, it would definitely be best if you went to your room. . ."

I wait, hoping with all my heart there's still a chance. . .

". . . young lady."

Nope. We are still in a cold, cruel, crude war.

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