Traffic stop

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Dean's pov

After completing my welfare check on old man Davidson, I hummed all the way back to the station, thinking about last week's hot romp between the sheets with my sexy lady. Things turned out so much better with Amy than I could have hoped for after I spanked Drew that one afternoon. My lady's been more docile and accommodating than I ever could have hoped for. I think she still feels sorta guilty for saying I wasn't Drew's father so I had no right to punish him, and I've kinda been capitalizing on it ever since.

As soon as I walked through the door, however, Becky unceremoniously booted me off of cloud nine as she politely informed me that my boss requested a word with me.

"Ugghh," I groaned, not hiding my disgust with her news in the slightest. "Why?" I whined like a little kid, like Drew as a matter of fact.

"I don't know, sugar. He didn't say," Becky replied sweetly, giving me a sympathetic smile before turning her attention back to the persistently ringing phone on her desk.

Well, here goes nothin' I thought to myself, as I took a deep breath to settle my nerves before knocking on Sheriff Crowley's office door.

"Entre," he called out in his signature disinterested monotone.

Taking another calming breath, I slowly opened the door.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" I asked, despite knowing the answer.

"Sit down, Winchester," he replied, motioning to the chair in front of his desk without ever looking up from the paperwork which currently held his attention.

I remained silent as I obediently took my seat.

Finally acknowledging my presence with eye contact, he made the purpose of this meeting known.

"I have your next assignment, Deputy."

When he didn't elaborate, I questioned, "Sir?"

"There have been some anonymous tips coming in on a rather repetitive and annoying basis regarding teenagers driving in an unsafe manner on the stretch of route 30 between Gainsville and route 47," he replied stoically.

"Unsafe, sir? I asked, hoping he'd clarify his rather vague description of unsafe driving.

"Did I stutter, Winchester?" he asked facetiously. "Yes, unsafe! Do I need to draw you a diagram, or get you a picture book meant for toddlers to explain the concept?"

"No, sir," I replied, through gritted teeth.

"Speeding, drag racing, intimidating other drivers on the road by driving aggressively and weaving in and out of the lanes of traffic." My boss looked at me disgustedly. "Getting the picture now, Einstein?" Without waiting for a response, he reiterated, "Unsafe driving, as I said before."

"Alright, sir, I'll head out there now," I replied, biting my tongue to keep from voicing my true feelings regarding my boss's condescension, not to mention this stupid assignment. Rising from my seat, I started toward the door until Sheriff Crowley stopped me.

"Hold up, Winchester!" he barked forcefully.

"Sir?" I questioned in an irritated tone, without turning around, my hand already poised on the doorknob.

"First, did I dismiss you, Deputy?"

Sighing softly, I lowered my hand and turned to face my boss.

"No sir," I replied defeatedly.

Crowley eyed me closely before continuing with his patronizing lecture, "Secondly, you're not going on this assignment alone." He paused to gauge my reaction, presumably waiting to see if I'd object. When he was confident I'd keep my mouth shut, he continued, "Deputy Novak will be going with you."

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