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Amy's pov

After leaving Katie sleeping soundly in our bed, I went down to the basement to talk to Sam. If anyone can give me some insight on Dean's thought process and current frame of mind, it's him.

"Hey Sam, do you have a minute?" I yelled over the sound of the power saw whirring loudly.

"Oh hey Amy," Sam replied, shutting the saw off and wiping the drywall dust off his hands. "What's up?"

"I was hoping I could pick your brain about your brother."

Sam immediately tensed up as he hesitantly replied, "Uh, yeah sure, I guess. I mean, I don't know how much insight I can offer. Dean and I haven't always been real simpatico. Ya know?"

"You know him better than anyone else, Sam, but I understand if this makes you too uncomfortable. I'll just leave you alone now so you can get back to work." I started heading for the stairs, feeling very stupid for interrupting him and bugging him to begin with about something that's really my problem, not his. "I'm sorry for bothering you, Sam. Just forget I was even here, ok?"

"No Amy, come back. That's not what I meant," Sam called out to me, before I could get up the stairs. "Tell me what happened," he said, patting a spot next to him on the futon he was currently using as a bed/couch.

I told Sam about the conversation Dean and I had in the kitchen and I gave him all the details Drew provided on the altercation he had with Katie that precipitated this whole situation. He listened intently and it was quite obvious he genuinely wanted to help. Dean is so lucky to have such a great brother and I couldn't ask for a better future brother-in-law.

After hearing me out, Sam responded, "Well, Amy, if I know my brother, it sounds like you telling him he's not Drew's dad is what would have upset him the most."

"Really?" I asked, kinda surprised since that's a fact and not really up for debate.

"I've seen the way he looks at you, Amy. He's never looked at anyone else he's dated the way he looks at you. He's so in love with you, it's unbelievable. His face immediately lights up when anyone mentions your name."

I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment at all the sweet things Sam was saying. I know Dean loves me but I didn't think he was head over heels in love.

"I really hurt him with what I said. Didn't I?" I asked, despite knowing very well the answer.

Sam gave me a slight nod.

"Just talk to him, Amy. My brother might be a horse's ass ninety percent of the time but occasionally, he's actually reasonable."

I chuckled as I gave Sam a hug and thanked him for all his help. Before I even got to the top of the stairs, I tried calling Dean but it kept going directly to his voicemail. After my fourth failed attempt, I decided to just send him a text. I'm sorry, baby, please come home so I can apologize in person. Dean didn't respond so I went upstairs to take a shower, hoping the hot water would ease some of the tension in my taut muscles.

Katie was still sleeping soundly when I entered our bedroom so I crept quietly past her and gently shut the bathroom door behind me. I honestly wish I could just crawl into bed, pull the covers over my head, and start this day over from the beginning but since that's not really a viable option, I'll have to settle for a nice long relaxing shower. I'm not sure how long I languished under the warm cascading water before there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"I'm in the shower," I called out in response.

"Amy it's me Dean. Let me in, we need to talk."

Oh my gosh! He came home. Thank you, Lord I silently offered my gratitude to the big man upstairs.

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