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 Amy's pov

"Watch your mouth, Alex," I warned, now having heard more than enough lip from my son.

"Whatever, I'm going to my room." He stomped off up the stairs to his room before I could admonish him any further.

"Whatever," Drew mimicked his older brother, as he threw his toy truck across the room.

"Great, just great," I said quietly, as I sadly shook my head. What am I gonna do with that boy? I thought to myself, as I sighed watching Drew stomp up the stairs to his room just like his big brother. I was about to throw in the towel and drown my sorrows in a luxurious bubble bath in Dean's Jacuzzi tub, when my phone rang. It can't be, I thought, hearing that ring tone I have assigned to only one person, but when I looked at the screen, sure enough it was.

"Hey sis, what's up?" I asked, cringing. Rachel only calls when she's in trouble.

"Well don't sound so excited Ames," Rachel complained, calling me by my childhood nickname. Now I know for sure she needs my help.

"Tell me you're not in trouble and I'll shout my excitement from the rooftops," I deadpanned sarcastically.

"Oh you think you know me so well, sis," she replied, chuckling.

"Ok, then tell me why you're calling," I ordered smugly. Before giving her a chance to answer, I continued ranting as I unleashed my pent up frustration on my little sister. "Let me guess, some douchebag broke your heart and stole your car when you kicked him to the curb? Or maybe you're in between jobs for the sixth year in a row and need money to make rent? Oh no wait, I got it," I replied, faking enthusiasm. "A good friend of yours got in on the ground floor of the next great social media app that's gonna put Tik tok and Instagram to shame and he only needs a thousand dollars from you to get in on the deal?"

"Ok, first off, Open Window would have been a killer app if the creator didn't get linked to that child trafficking ring," Rachel replied defensively. "Secondly, I'm not dating anyone right now and thirdly, little Ms. Know it All, I don't have a problem making rent. Can't a little sister just call her big sister to say hey, without her big sister thinking she has some pathetic ulterior motive?"

I sighed, feeling kind of bad for ragging on Rachel.

"Alright, I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions and thought the worst, Rach." I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea to calm my nerves. "So how are you? We haven't talked in a long time. Tell me what's new," I said, taking a load off as I sat down at the table, waiting for the water to boil.

"Um, I'm good, I guess," Rachel replied apprehensively.

Oh fuck, I should've poured myself a shot of tequila instead cuz there's no way I'm gonna like what's coming.

"But?" I prompted. I don't have the energy for this right now.

"Well, uh, you know how I said I don't have a problem making rent right now?"

"Yes," I replied, my voice hard as I grit my teeth waiting for the fallout.

"That is true but uh, it's kinda just because I'm inbetween jobs and apartments right now."

Oh good Lord I thought, laying my head down on the table. Forget the tequila, this calls for weed.

"And?" I'm thoroughly losing my patience right now. "Out with it, Rach, it's been a long day."

"Before you freak out and get your panties in a bunch," my sister cautioned.

Too late I thought, sighing heavily before taking a sip of my chamomile tea.

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