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Amy's pov

The rest of the week flew by quickly with the same daily work and school routine for our household. I have no idea what my sister does all day. Around six we all sit down to dinner, unless of course Alex has a game or late practice, or Dean has a night shift. Thankfully Sam usually cooks so we don't have to rely on carry-out every night. He's also been great about getting the kids to complete their schoolwork before dinner so afterwards we can relax and watch a movie or play a board game with the little ones before the bathtime/bedtime routine starts. After the kids are in bed, the adults sit in the kitchen to chat and have a drink, or two, or three depending on how our day went.

Honestly, Dean's brother staying here has been such a godsend. He's been a tremendous help with the kids. He cooks, he does laundry, and he's always more than willing to run errands for me, plus he keeps the house spotless. Dean's a bit of a slob and the kids constantly make a mess so that's a full time job in itself, not to mention all the progress he's making on the basement remodel. And when he's not doing all that, he's working on his job search. I don't think the poor guy ever takes any time for himself, unlike my sister, who only seems to focus on herself.

Don't get me wrong, I love Rachel to pieces and Drew and Alex do too and it's been nice we could all spend some time together but my sister tends to be pretty irresponsible and self-absorbed ninety percent of the time. She's not a bad person, she just needs to get her priorities in order, start growing up a little so she can support herself and become a productive member of society, and stop living her life like it's one big frat party. I don't think she's lifted a finger to help out around here since she arrived.

I'm not one to preach, so I can't give her too hard of a time. I've certainly made a lot of horrible decisions and quite the mess of my life up until now. I like to think I've changed though and I'm turning things around. Dean's been instrumental in helping me get back on my feet. He makes me want to be a better person, do better for my kids, give them the life and family they deserve. Rolling on my side, I smiled at my man sleeping soundly next to me. Too bad we can't just stay in bed all day I thought, tracing my finger on the outline of his pecs. Dare to dream.

After reluctantly dragging my butt out of bed, I stumbled my way downstairs to get my coffee fix on. I was quite surprised to see my sister already sitting at the kitchen table, cup in hand. I hadn't even noticed she wasn't asleep on the couch when I passed through the living room.

"Hey, what are you doing up so early?" I asked, as I grabbed my favorite Far Side mug out of the cabinet. My sister has never been an early riser.

"I don't know. Couldn't sleep, I guess," she replied, yawning as she fought to keep her eyes open.

Sitting down next to her, I sighed contentedly, "Ahhhh," relishing my first sip of morning java. Reaching behind me, I grabbed the bag of mini cinnamon powdered donuts off the counter. "Want some?" I asked my sister, after opening the bag and scarfing down a few myself.

"Huh?" she replied, not only half asleep but apparently pretty distracted as well.

I waved the bag in front of her face.

"DO. YOU. WANT. A. DONUT?" I asked loudly, over-enunciating every word like my sister was too stupid to understand otherwise. Didn't know it was that difficult of a question, but whatever. I'm getting crabby, I think I need more coffee and sleep, come to think of it.

"Oh, yeah sure," Rachel said, reaching blindly for the bag and missing by about six inches.

"What's with you?" I asked, starting to become concerned. I mean I know she's tired but come on, this is excessive. She hasn't done a damn thing all week. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

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