11 - Hate the player, not the game

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Guards patrol and keep watch outside the gate of the Wellington manor. As the sun stretches its most beautiful sunrise across the sky. The Wellington symbol reflection at the bottom of the water fountain with clear turquoise water ripples over and over.

Wearing a Polo t-shirt and lightly tan pants with my brunette hair put up in a neat bun, very loose hair not wanting to join with the rest.

"Let's say that there's a new twist for the Pandora box challenge, because of Benjamin's aunt and uncle making new traditions just for us" I say, putting up air quotes band walk calmly around the maze, look over to Chase his eyes bloodshot and his mind completely somewhere else.

I stop in my tracks and call out to him, as the sun rises higher in the sky catching a small glimpse of those piercing green eyes.

"Chase?" I called.

He keeps walking briskly then slows down to a halt, without my presence beside him, and looks toward me.

"Sorry, it's" Chase pauses. "It's never mind, though hiding at our spot you know some people would consider that cheating."

"Oh really? I thought you didn't care much about what people have to say" I answer back.

His eyebrows raise in amusement and smiles to himself, rolling up the sleeves of his dresshirt reveals a tattoo of a capital letter V with a group of butterflies surrounding it.

"Wait, you got that as a tattoo? I was only teasing you about it" I paused. "I didn't think you were gonna do it."

With a small movement, me and Chase stop our movements also look in the direction of the bushes to find Claire and Catherine coming out with cuts and bruises carefully watching the both of us.

In the distance, someone clears their throat for attention and stares me down hard leaning against the nearby tree. Chase creates some distance between us.

"Don't worry I'll come and find you later tonight" Chase paused. "Now, it's time to leave you alone with the rightful heir."

I cringe at the two words rightfully heir with my whole being, but put on a brave face and, the fakest smile possible and act like I care about his words.

"Ah, the beloved Vivian has finally decide to grace me with her presence" Benjamin said.

Casting a look up and down walking through the main entrance to the common room, Benjamin quickly locks the door.

"Enough with the flattery, what do you want Benjamin" I paused. "Because when you go off with this sudden praise it means you want something."

"That's not true, well actually I do want something, I just need your partnership to get it" Benjamin said.

Now, that wasn't a bold face lie from him saying he needs me to fulfill his hidden agenda and I need Chase to take down a couple of heirs here. Because some of them don't deserve to have the title heir as their birthright.

 Because some of them don't deserve to have the title heir as their birthright

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A/N Hi! Today was my day back on campus and it wasn't that bad at all. I had a really productive day including uploading this chapter for you guys!

Now, if you were Vivian would work with the rightful heir Benjamin or team up with Chase so that you both make it out alive?

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