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Maxine was back at school with Jace who was now looking after her more than after due to losing her parents. Both were living with Derek and Issac as Maxine was waiting for her lawyer and the police to give her the keys back to the house due to it still being a crime scene and being evidence.

Maxine was walking around till she got to the library and she sat in the farthest away." Prinţesă? Talk to me sweetheart," Jace says gently stroking her hair." I just miss them, Jace, this is their first grandbabies and they're not here," Maxine mutters sadly." I know sweetie," Jace says gently.

Stiles made his way over," Max I know this isn't the best time but can I ask about Jackson's parents?" Stiles asked gently." Why would I tell you a thing about my best mate?" Maxine answers coldly." He did attack my parents and killed them. But he didn't do it willingly someone made him," Maxine says coldly.

"I know, I just need to know about his past, he's like this because of his past," Stiles tells her. Maxine looks at him," All I know is his parents died whilst he was still in the womb of his mom in a car accident. Erica has the details if you ask her politely," Maxine says looking at Erica who made her way to Stiles.

Erica dragged Stiles out and Maxine snuggled into Jace's chest. Maxine put her hand on her stomach," We need to protect these kids at all costs," Maxine said." Jace if a fight ever happens, them over me. You save our kids don't look for me I'll find you all okay?" Maxine says softly." No, I'll save you all because we are family and family sticks together," Jace says kissing Maxine's head.

About half an hour later, everyone from Matt to Allison came into the library with an unhappy Harris."Oh, uh, we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools." Jackson tells Mr Harris."All of these tools?" Harris asked."No, just us, tools." Stiles points to him and Scott."Fine. You two, over there." Harris points to a table furthest away and they move.

Suddenly Jackson rushes out and Harris follows him. Scott and Stiles rush over to Maxine, Jace, and Erica's table.

"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died."Scott says."Maybe." Maxine shrugs."Talk." Scott demands." Hey! She doesn't have to tell you shit!" Jace growls showing his orange eyes.

"I already said I'm not repeating myself I'm not a parrot," Maxine mutters." Please?" Scott pleads." Erica can tell you as I don't talk to dickheads," Maxine mutters.

"It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he is eighteen." Erica reveals.

"So, not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at eighteen?" Stiles states."Yup." Erica says."There's something so deeply wrong with that." Stiles responds."You know what? I could try to find the insurance report in my dad's inbox. He keeps everything." Erica suggests.

"Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office." The PA speaker speaks. Scott exits the library and Jackson and Harris return from where they came from.

Erica finds the insurance report on her laptop."Whoa, look at the dates." Stiles says pointing at the screen. "Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death, was 9:26 PM, June fourteenth, 1995." Erica reads out loud."Jackson's birthday is June fifteenth." Stiles says.

Harris begins to pack his things away and everyone follows suit."Oh, no, I'm sorry. Uh, yes, I'm leaving, but none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving." Harris says."Enjoy the rest of your evening." He then leaves.

Everyone begins to reshelve and do the library work, Maxine goes to see Jackson." Hey? You okay?" Maxine says softly." Max, you shouldn't be near me please go, I don't want to hurt you or them," Jackson says softly.

"Jackson Leo Whittemore, you could never hurt me, you and me were brother and sister, so I'm around if you need me," Maxine says softly kissing his cheek before leaving. Jackson looks at her as she leaves," Max please forgive me," Jackson says sadly.

Maxine sat on the table and suddenly everything started going flying."JACE!!!"Maxine yells and Jace runs to her aid and covers her." ERICA! SCOTT! Down all of you!!" Jace shouts. The noises die down and Jace gets up with Maxine.

"Everyone okay??" Jace asked." Fine!" Stiles/Allison responded." Scott?" Jace says." Fine, Matt got paralyzed and knocked out," Scott reports." Erica?" Maxine wonders. No response came and Maxine ran to Erica's last known location.

"Jace!!" Maxine yells as she gets to Erica's side." Shit!" Jace growls getting to her side." To Derek come on," Jace says picking Erica up." Stiles needs your Jeep," Jace says as Stiles appears.

"Got it," Stiles nods." You're coming with me," Jace says looking at Scott." You get that one to the hospital as you can't be seen together," Jace says with a look.

Scott nods and they all head off, Stiles gives Maxine a helping hand since Jace has Erica in his arms who was seizing up due to the venom.


They get to the train station and Derek takes Erica from Jace as Stiles, Scott and Maxine enter the station as Issac joins the pack. "Hold her up," Derek yells."Is she dying?" Stiles asks."She might. I--Which is why this is gonna hurt." Derek says

Derek breaks Erica's arm causing her to scream."You broke her arm!" Stiles exclaims."It'll trigger the healing process. I still gotta get the venom out-- this is where it's gonna hurt."

Derek digs his claws into the same arm and Erica screams hysterically. "Stiles... you make a good Batman..." Erica says weakly in Stiles's arms.

Derek, Scott and Jace walked out leaving Erica to recover and Maxine to sleep with Issac looking after her."You know who it is," Scott says.

"Jackson." Derek nods."You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you?" Scott asks. Derek nods."I'm gonna help you stop him as part of your pack. If you want me in, fine. But, we'll do it on one condition-- we're gonna catch him, not kill him." Scott says.

All two of them look at Scott with a sceptic look and Derek can tell there's more to it than that."And?" Derek says."And we do it my way," Scott says. Scott and Stiles leave as Jace looks to see Issac looking after Maxine.

"How is she doing?" Derek wonders." How can you expect someone to be okay after losing her parents?" Jace says." I know, poor girl, she got us and them babies now, so she not all alone now," Derek says gently." I know and I'm reminding her every day," Jace says gently smiling.

"Do you miss him?" Derek asks cautiously." Who? My dad?" Jace asked as Derek nodded." Hard to say yes or no about that as never had much of a relationship with him so," Jace shrugs.

"Fair point, go and be with her," Derek nudges him towards a sleeping Maxine and Isaac."Night Derek," Jace says before lying next to Maxine who snuggles deeper into Jace's chest."Night kid," Derek says with a nod.


This chapter is done ✔️  Season two is almost done 👀 Maxine and Jace have their first scan soon after the rave.

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A/N- I'm not gonna spoil anything but prepare for heartache the lot 🥺🥺👀👀

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