🔥So done! Reckless nights!🔥

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Scott, Stiles, and Maxine were in class and they both discovered that Derek isn't the alpha or the one who bit him. "If Derek isn't the Alpha if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" Stiles questions."I don't know," Scott says shrugging his shoulder."Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" Stiles asks. "I don't know," Scott responds.

"Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?" Stiles asks Scott."I don't know!" Scott shouts. Stiles, Scott, and Maxine all received their tests, and Maxine and Stiles did great but Scott did not so much."Dude, you need to study more." Stiles jokes."That was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?" Stiles asks.

"No. I'm studying with Allison after school today." Scott sighs and looks straight at his desk."You're doing what now?" Maxine asked." As friends, of course, I can't let her down now can I?" Scott says. Maxine scoffs and looks away."Max," Scott tries but Maxine cuts him off, "Don't fucking bother," Maxine mutters and Scott sighs.


Maxine was wandering the halls when she bumped into walls or two hard chests and almost fell back when the person caught her." I'm so sorry," Maxine says embarrassed," I should have looked where I was going," Maxine says before looking up.

"Jace? What's wrong? You're pale," Maxine says concerned. "Where's Scott? We need his help as Jace got shot," Derek tells her." He's outside I think? Come on I'll take you," Maxine says offering to lend a hand. Maxine puts Jace's arm around her neck as Derek holds Jace

Derek, Jace, and Maxine make their way out, they see a familiar Jeep and get in front of it making Stiles stop in his tracks. Derek and Jace fell and took Maxine with him."Ouch!" Maxine groans."Sorry Max," Jace says softly."It's fine," Maxine says getting up as Scott and Stiles come over.

What are you doing here?!" Scott says to Derek."Jace was shot," Derek says."Jace's not looking so good, dude." Stiles decides to input. "No, really, what gave that away?" Jace snapped. "Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked Jace "He can't. It was - it was a different kind of bullet." Derek tells them

"A silver bullet?" Stiles adds "No, you idiot." Derek grumbles "Wait! That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours." Scott announced. Jace's head snaps up."What? Who - who said 48 hours?" Jace asked."The one who shot you," Scott tells him.

Jace's eyes begin flashing between Blue and yellow and Maxine covers Jace's eyes for him, knowing he can't control them."What are you doing? Stop that!" Scott scolds Jace."He can't idiot!" Maxine argues. "We've been telling you that I can't!" Jace sternly says through clenched teeth.

"Jace get up!" Scott says that they noticed they caused a holdup and people were getting out of their cars."Help me, put him in your car," Scott says as they help Jace get into Stiles's Jeep and Derek jumps in the back."I have to go but don't die on us Jace, gonna need you around," Maxine says walking off.

Stiles called Maxine and told her to go to Allison's to get Scott and to see what was taking so long. Maxine took her bat with her and knocked on the Argents door but had no answer so she walked in to find downstairs empty and went upstairs to find something that would break her to pieces.

Scott and Allison making out and she stood there for a good five minutes before Scott noticed her. Scott pulls away from the kiss after seeing Maxine standing there." Max, it's not what it looks like I promise," Scott says pleading. Maxine starts laughing.

"Not what it looks like?" Maxine asked confused."No, what it looks like to me is my boyfriend is snogging with another girl whilst you are in a relationship with me your girlfriend!" Maxine snaps."Sorry, Maxine but I'm better than you and Scott deserves a girl with no mental health issues and who is willing to please him," Allison smugly says.

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