⛅️The new pack⛅️

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Maxine and Jace were at gym class and they were all waiting to go up a wall together. They just ignored everything and everyone as they watched as Scott and Allison climbed up the rock wall. Maxine was going up with a girl named Erica, who is a known epileptic.

They see Scott fall off the wall and land on the mat. Coach goes up to him."McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right?" Coach asks."All right, the next two. Erica, Ripley, let's go up the wall." Coach says he faces Maxine and Erica.

Maxine gets harnessed up and starts to climb and hears Erica hyperventilating. They're only halfway up the wall, and Maxine hears her panicking."Oh, please." She says in panic. Maxine climbs down to go near her and grabs her hand. Maxine heard everyone talking, but she was concentrating on Erica mainly.

"Erica. Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" Coach asks. "Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia snarky responds."Erica." Coach shouts up."I'm fine." Erica shakily responds. "Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison points out.

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff? I have to get - Erica, y - you're fine." Coach freaks out."Hey Erica, look at me." Maxine softly spoke to her. She shakily looks at Maxine."I got you okay? I'll come down with you, keep your eyes on me, and trust me." Maxine softly told her.

They began to climb down, and their feet hit the mats and Jace helped Maxine out of her harness."See, you're fine. You're on the ground. You're all right. Let's go. Shake it off. You're fine." Coach says. Everyone started laughing, and Maxine for the first time got mad.

"You lot are fucking arseholes! Especially you Lydia Martin! Picking on her for a condition that she didn't ask for! She is only human just like all of you! You want to pick on someone, try me!" Maxine snaps pushing Lydia and punching Allison with a right hook." I fucking dare you both to say something now," Maxine says lowly in their faces

Maxine walked away, leaving a shocked class behind as Jace followed her to the girls' locker room but waited outside. Maxine headed onto the changing room and saw an upset Erica, and she moved beside her.

"Hey Erica, don't listen to them. You're only human after all," Maxine says gently, and Erica hugs her tightly before exiting the locker room. Maxine left the room with Jace and headed elsewhere when she noticed a commotion by the gym and saw Erica on the ground.

"Erica!"Maxine yells, getting to her side with Jace." Max, help me," Erica shakily responds. Maxine immediately grabs her hands as Jace pushes Scott and Allison away and holds Erica in her arms while keeping Erica on her side."I got you," Maxine says gently stroking her hair.

Paramedics and Rhea came for Erica as she travelled with paramedics sometimes if she needed, and Maxine let them take her as Jace held her close.

"Wait! I want Maxine and Jace to come with me," Erica shakily asks." Sure, come on, you two," Rhea says with a smile. Rhea gives Scott a dirty look as well as Allison as they exit the gym.


Maxine was on Erica's gurney holding Erica as she leaned into Maxine's arms as they were being wheeled into a room as Jace followed them."It's been a while since we saw you, Erica. You were being so good about taking your medication," Melissa says softly

"Are you gonna tell my mom?" Erica wonders."Well, I swear I don't want to, but there's this team of lawyers in the back who would break my legs, and I don't know if you've seen my legs, but for a girl my age? They're still pretty hot. So the doctor's gonna be in in a minute, okay?" Melissa says jokingly."Okay," Erica nods. Maxine and Jace say their goodbyes to Erica and head back to school.

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