🎊Saving Jace and Derek🎊

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Stiles gets Jackson to find Lydia and he comes to the Jeep where Peter is holding Maxine in a clawed hand.

"Don't feel bad. If she lives, she'll become a werewolf. She'll be incredibly powerful," Peter smirks.

"Yeah, and once a month, she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to tear people apart." Stiles scoffs."Well, considering that she's a woman... Twice a month," Peter says.


They get to a parking garage and Peter leads Stiles and Maxine to a car. "Whose car is this?" Stiles questions. "It belonged to my nurse," Peter says."What happened to your n--" Stiles asks as Peter opens the boot and reveals a dead body.

"Well, that answers your question," Maxine says shuddering."Oh, my God!" Stiles exclaims."I got better." Peter dryly says.

In the parking garage, Peter opens up his laptop and a Mac. "Good luck getting a signal down here," Stiles says as Peter hands Stiles a Wi-Fi device."Oh... MiFi..." Stiles says.

"And you're a Mac guy! Does that go for all Werewolves or just a personal preference?" Stiles sass."Turn it on. Get connected." Peter demands." You know, you're killing the whole Werewolf-mystique thing here." Stiles tells him

"Look, you still need Scott's username and password, and I'm sorry, but I don't know them." Stiles sighs."You know both of them," Peter says."No, I don't." Stiles denies."Even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat, I would still be able to tell that you're lying," Peter says.

"Dude, I swear to God--" Stiles says and Peter slams his head to the laptop."I can be very persuasive, Stiles. Don't make me persuade you." Peter says with an evil smirk.

Peter keeps a tight hold of Maxine as Stiles stands in front of the laptop. "What happens after you find Derek and Jace?" Stiles questions."Don't think, Stiles-- type," Peter says.

"You're gonna kill people, aren't you?" Stiles says."Only the responsible ones," Peter says."Look, if I do this, you have to promise to leave Scott out of it." Stiles negotiates.

"Do you know why wolves hunt in packs? It's because their favourite prey is too large to be brought down by one wolf alone. I need Derek, Jace and Scott. I need them." Peter says impatiently.

"He's not gonna help you." Stiles points out."Oh, he will because it'll save Allison. And you will because it will save Scott your best friend, whom you know so well, you even have his username and password." Peter replies.

Stiles gets Scott's username and Password up and Peter looks as does Maxine."His username is "Allison?" Peter says unimpressed."His password is also "Allison?" Peter says appalled.

"Okay! I no longer feel bad about not dating him because that's just cringy as fuck," Maxine says with a look."Still want him in your pack?" Stiles sassily replies. Stiles locates the GPS coordinates.

"Wait, what the. That's where they're keeping them? At their house." Stiles questions. Peter frowns for a second and then realizes that Derek and Jace aren't at the house but under it."Not at it-- under it. I know exactly where that is." Peter says. Then they hear Derek's and Jace's howl.

"And I'm not the only one," Peter says."Give me your keys," Peter says. Stiles hands over the keys."Careful. She grinds in second." Stiles says and Peter crushes them in his hands.

"So, you're not gonna kill us?" Stiles questions."Don't you understand yet? I'm not the bad guy here." Peter says getting closer to Stiles."You turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs, and you're not the bad guy here?" Stiles sass

"I like you two, Stiles, and Maxine. Since you've helped me, I'm going to give you something in return. Do you want the bite?" Peter says bemusedly. "What?" Stiles questions.

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