Chapter 61

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The Tormentor

I stepped into the hospital room, and an unsettling silence swallowed me. April lay still on the bed, her fragile form lost within the sterile sheets. The only sounds were the melancholy murmurs of medical machinery and the distant whispers from the corridor, creating a haunting contrast to the fear and numbness that gripped me. My heart clenched, overwhelmed by a mixture of dread and helplessness.

This was never supposed to happen, not like this. April, the light of my life, everything I had ever hoped for, now lay before me in this lifeless state. I had waged wars, committed unspeakable acts, and destroyed lives, including my father's, all for her. But in the end, I lost our child, our hope, and now I found myself on the path to ruin her life.

I gently took her hand into mine, her pallor chilling me. I kissed her knuckles, my tears mingling with the soft caress of her hand against my face. "Wake up, April," I pleaded, my voice filled with desperation. The thought of her leaving me was unfathomable and terrifying. She had chosen death over me, which tore at my soul. I knew she may never forgive or accept me, but I couldn't let her go.

I was aware of the unforgivable nature of my actions. I didn't seek forgiveness, but I hoped for it nonetheless. The prospect of her not forgiving me was unbearable; I was prepared to spend my life begging for her forgiveness every moment.

The rhythmic sounds of the machines disrupted my thoughts. I rose from my chair and lay beside her. Her once vibrant eyes remained closed, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her transformation. I remembered her as a little girl with doe-like eyes that used to gaze up at me. I had never anticipated that those same eyes would become my torment. She had evolved into someone bolder, stronger, a force not to be trifled with.

I tenderly stroked her cheeks and spoke to her unconscious form. "You know, April, I'm surprised you haven't killed me yet," I admitted, my gaze lingering on her lips, the desire to kiss her strong but restrained. "I'd gladly die at your hands. If it comes down to letting you go. I would rather you pull the trigger," I added, placing my hand on her stomach, the sacred place where our baby had once thrived. A family that not even God could have torn asunder if I hadn't pushed her.

"I'm so sorry, April," I whispered, resting my head gently on her chest, careful not to harm her. "I promise I'll never hurt you again," I vowed, pressing a tender kiss to her cheek before drifting into a restless slumber by her side.


Zyler shook his head with a rueful smile. Even in her dreams, she wasn't taking his name. He pulled the blanket, ensuring she was well-covered, and then he disappeared into the bathroom for a shower.

He turned off the shower and stepped out of the bathroom, droplets dripping down his body to his thick thighs, disappearing onto the fluffy bathmat. He wiped his body off and put on his sweatpants, his dick hard as a rod. He pulled off the covers and disappeared into the sheets.

She groaned in protest. "Why do you resist me so strongly?" Zyler pushed the hair covering her face.

He remembered their earlier conversation. "I only did it for Elaine." He didn't want to admit it, but it broke his heart. "What should I do to keep you with me? What should I do for you to forgive me? Hm?" he wet his lips, digging his teeth into his lower lip.

He yearned to claim her ultimately, to consume her until the boundaries between them dissolved, and their souls melded into one. But she resisted, and he had no intention of coercing her into submission. He refused to seize what he desired through force; instead, he hungered for her to surrender and offer herself freely.

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