Chapter 46

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The Diary of a broken girl.........

I gazed out of the window, seeking solace in the tranquil view it offered. This was the only spot in the vast mansion where I found a semblance of peace. The guards outside remained silent and distant as if I were some prized possessions they were sworn to protect. The door creaked open, shattering the silence enveloping the room, but I paid little attention. I knew exactly who it was, yet I refused to acknowledge his presence. Perhaps this was another one of his visits where he would assert his dominance over me.

Strong arms encircled my waist, and I felt my top rise as his warm hands pressed against my waist, tracing the contours with a sickening familiarity. I despised this man with every fiber of my being but remained still, unwilling to invite his wrath. He began planting kisses from the back of my neck, trailing down to my throat, and I clenched my fists, my knuckles turning white with suppressed rage.

"Let's go to dinner. It's been ages," he murmured, his lips still lingering against my skin, consuming me in his lustful haze.

"Why?" The words slipped out before I could restrain them. It had been nine long months since I stepped foot outside these walls. I had no idea what the world beyond held, whether it had transformed or remained the same. He abruptly halted his advances, turning me to face him. His stormy gray eyes darkened, reflecting his anger. I knew better than to question him; he loathed any form of defiance.

"I already told you, babe. It's been far too long. And besides, I miss you," he whispered, his lips grazing my cheek before descending to my shoulder, leaving marks of possession. Something is definitely going on in his head. I can tell. I have to be careful. He had been bugging me about my family lately. Something or someone stirred his head. Otherwise, a man who had been silent all these years wouldn't question me now.

"April?" His voice brought me to reality.

"Huh?" I tried to concentrate on him, but his hands on my body were breaking my heart. I don't want him to touch me, but telling him that would only aggravate him.

"Dinner?" he reiterated.

"Do I have a choice?" I cursed myself mentally for asking him that. He didn't answer and yanked my top right off my body. I shut my mind, avoiding the things happening to my body, and tried to focus on something else. He opened the package by his foot and pulled out a beautiful red dress with a V-neck. It showed my cleavage a bit. I know he wouldn't mind because whenever we go out, he shuts down the whole block and books an entire restaurant.

Soon, we were out the door to our dinner. I was excited because I would get to see the world after a long time, even though it would be for a limited time and there would be no one around us. I wanted to see the world. When we got into the car, he bent down and put a shock bracelet on my feet. "Is this necessary?" I questioned with tears in my eyes.

"Can't take chances now, can I?" He wiped my tears with his thumb and went back to my feet, kissing them. He then pulled my feet and put them in his lap, massaging the feet. I decided to let him be and concentrate on the world. The world changed a lot. It was beautiful to see something or someone other than my cage. He cleared his throat, but I ignored him. Fortunately, he didn't bother me, and I am glad.

His hand tightened around the blindfold, and tears escaped my eyes, uncontrollable and relentless. It had become a nightmare, a cruel routine I couldn't escape. "Please, can we skip this part?" I pleaded, gripping his hand desperately, hoping against hope that he would hear me. I longed to see the world, even if only briefly, soak in its beauty before the darkness consumed me again. Surprisingly, he listened to me and put the blindfold back on the seat.

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