Chapter 20

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Zyler knew she didn't call the police. He knew her heart like the back of his hand. She wouldn't let any harm befall those police officers as he had scared her good enough. He watched Autumn through the rain, his eyes narrow with amusement. He knew she was bluffing. She wouldn't call for help, not when she was so worried about getting them hurt. It was just another game to him, a way to toy with her and make her feel powerless.

But even as he smirked, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He had expected more from her, expected her to fight back, to resist him. He had hoped she would fight so that he could punish her to his will. It was no fun playing with someone who was so easy to manipulate.

He felt a sickening thrill of excitement mixed with arousal as he thought about bending her over his knee and spanking her perky ass until Zyler-sized handprints appeared on her ass cheeks. He tried to go away, walk away from her many times. He asked his pilot to prepare his jet to leave, never come back, and forget Autumn Willow Wraith as a dream, but he couldn't do it. Leaving her felt like choking as if all the oxygen was deprived of his being, and at last, the devil on his shoulder had won.

The girl has something in her or on her. Whatever it was, he was being drawn toward her. If not, he wouldn't be letting her off his hook for threatening to call the police on him. He knew she was bluffing and would never actually call for help. And even if she did, it wouldn't matter. He had planned this all out and took every precaution to ensure he would never be caught.

As he flicked his cigarette into the rain, he turned, a cold smile playing at the corners of his lips. He will give her the punishment she deserves. His little flower should know she cannot just disobey him and think there will be no consequences. He will teach her a lesson, something she will and can never forget this lesson and fall into some bitches' hands.

Autumn did not wait for a second. She threw the phone on the couch and then ran to her closet to grab her bag. As she frantically packed her bags, she could feel her heart racing like a horse galloping toward an unknown abyss. The thought of staying any longer in this place, with that monster lurking around every corner, made her skin crawl. She could feel his presence looming over her, like a dark cloud ready to burst into a storm.

Every sound was magnified, every creak of the floorboards and every drop of rain tapping against the window. She could hear his footsteps outside, getting closer and closer, like a predator stalking its prey. She could see his shadow on the windowsill, mocking her with its grotesque shape. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead, and her shirt clung to her body, drenched with perspiration. She could feel the terror rising in her throat, threatening to choke her. Her body trembled with every footstep she heard outside, each one sending a jolt of fear through her.

Her hands were shaking as she stuffed her belongings into the bag, unable to think clearly and breathe correctly. The room felt like it was closing in on her, suffocating her with its heavy atmosphere. This was it. This was the moment she had been dreading, the moment she had to make a run for it to escape the clutches of her tormentor. But she knew it wouldn't be easy. He was always one step ahead, always watching, always waiting for her to make a mistake.

The fear was palpable, like a tangible entity, surrounding her in a suffocating embrace. She had to get out, had to leave this nightmare behind. But she knew that he would find her no matter where she went. He was like a disease, infecting every corner of her life.

Zyler's boots hit the water with a loud thud as he made his way through the rain-soaked street. The sound echoed in his ears, filling him with a sense of excitement that he couldn't quite explain. His heart was racing, and he could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The raindrops were coming down hard, soaking his clothes and running down his face. But he didn't care. He loved the feeling of the rain on his skin, the way it kissed his body and made him feel alive.

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