Chapter 36

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"Go get something to eat and come back," she heard him say. She ran to her desk closer to his office. She thanked God for that opportunity of being away from him for a second.

She immediately ran outside to get herself a cup of watermelon iced tea. That was the best she could do to curb her anxiety about being in his presence.

She paid the vendor and walked back to her desk. Taking a sip, she savored the sweet, refreshing taste of the tea. It was the perfect remedy for her frayed nerves, at least for now. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, letting the cool liquid wash over her.

Zyler separated his blinds and watched her perfect lips as they rounded around the straw, sucking the tea in. She fanned her tongue and licked the drop that was escaping her lips. She bit down on her bottom lip, trying to figure out where she had lost her phone, completely unaware of the world around her. He resisted the fierce urge to walk over and take that bottom lip between his own.

She looked so confused and innocent to him, living in her own world. He noticed she usually is hyper-focused sometimes.

He resisted despite the urge to walk over and have fun with her. At the same time, he also wanted to stalk her like a creep.

He stepped out of the office to peacefully stand in the shadows and watch Autumn and spy on her and possibly torture himself with a welcomed erection.

He was about to open her cabin door when someone came barreling from the elevator door. He stopped, and so did they, preventing them from colliding with each other.

"Oh, Zyler. I was just coming to see you," Matthew, the local political leader, said. His blood boiled at the sight of Matthew. The man was nothing more than a glorified pimp, using his connections to climb the political ladder by supplying women and drugs to the leaders. But as much as Zyler loathed him, he couldn't deny the valuable intel he often brought to the table.

"I have some information that might interest you," Matthew replied, trying to sidestep Zyler. But he wasn't getting past him that easily.

"What is it?" He diverted Matt's attention by leading him to his calm. He picked up his phone and texted Autumn not to come outside.

"Well, something that could really help you evade the law," Matt settled his ugly butt in his chair. Zyler decided to wash that chair with acid once Matt left.

"Don't I already do that? You can offer me nothing," Zyler wasn't keen on having Matt there.

"You killed the Maddox's and Nicholas Bianchi," Matt spat it out like a fact. He didn't speculate on whether or not it was true.

"And?" Zyler chuckled, knowing there was no proof for it.

"There is no one in the Maddox family left to take their revenge on you, but Romano might not let it slide," Matt kept on talking, enjoying the sound of his voice. "You killed his only son."

"There is no proof of it," Zyler admitted ignoring Matt, and looking at the door, trying to keep Autumn out of this conversation.

"So, are you admitting to killing Nicholas?" Matt pulled a cigarette out.

Zyler did not answer.

"Word on the street is that......." Matt stopped, "won't you offer me refreshments?" He put the cigarette that was in his mouth earlier on the table.

Zyler clenched his teeth, grinding them to a pulp. He was so angry. If the dick prick listened closely, he would've heard Zyler's teeth strained. But he needed his teeth to bite every bit of his girl, so he stopped.

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