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I watched her walking into her hostel. I sighed and went towards my apartment. The recent  disappearance of people has put a lot of pressure on police department.

After the meeting with IGP and dSP , we started to discuss the weird pattern of the killer. At last we concluded that he is a serial killer.

I am sure there are many women's are being targeted by him and brutally killed.

Then I thought about Vindhya's friend , tomorrow I have to check the location she mentioned. I placed my phone on the table then walked towards kitchen to drink some water.After fetching a glass of water I heard my phone chime with message . I grabbed it to check the message.

Unknown : hi!

I ignored the message and drank the water. Then went towards my bathroom to have a hot relaxing shower. After the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and came out of the bathroom . I used a small towel to brush my damp hair.

Again i heard my phone chime with message again.

Unknown: "hi sonna oru reply kuda illaa . Reply pannamattigala. (I messaged you a hi , but I received no reply from you. Won't you message me?)" I read it. Well it's weird , who might it be?.

Varnesh: "who are you?" I messaged. I went towards my closet to get dressed. I came out of my closet with a sweatpants hung around my hip.

Unknown : " Avlooo seekramaa enna marandhutiya da purishaa?" She messaged me. What the heck ? Purishaa? I never know I got
married to anybody.

(Purishaa- husband in Tamil)

So this unknown is a she who claims to be my wife. It should be a prank of someone.

Varnesh: I never knew I got married to anybody?" I replied and leaned against the headrest. Even though I am a little bit angry and annoyed , I am well intrigued by this number.

Unknown: po ga , unga kittaa aasaya pesalamnu vandha . Romba dha pandriga" she messaged again. My eyes were dropping due to tiredness.

Unknown: sari ga , poitu thooguga . Ummahh da purishaa" she messaged then went offline. I look at the message , i sighed about upcoming tasks, things and closed my eyes to get rest.

She intrigued me with her message, I want to know who is doing this. For all I care is this could be a trick or someone making a fool out of me.

But now rest time....


"Boss"he stood their in his black hoodie and a black mask covering his lower face except his eyes. "Tell me , what happened" his voice sounded harsh , cold and void of no emotion.

"She attempted-." The other person struggled to form words to tell his boss. "Make it quick" he said out loud. The other person shuddered by his boss cold voice.

"Boss , today we went to her house but found her dead" he said. The boss turned looking anger than ever. This was his main business , he never did any mistakes but this time ! This was a big mistake .

"How?" "We couldn't find boss but the ambulance came before us and carried her not before informing her parents that she was dead" he said to him.

The boss was not convinced by this new rather he felt something wrong. "Find the hospital" he said to the other person. He stood their looking at a certain person's portrait hung on the wall.


Sorry for late update and short chapter..
next one will be longer and how is the story so far please comment .

Please vote! Which means a lot to me!

Lots of love


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