SEVEN, discovery

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To my Dearest,

It has currently been two months without a reply from you, and usually, you write back quite fast.

I hope that you are well, something must have occurred... if only I could text you, but alas, it is for my safety as you say. Nevertheless, rest and stay hydrated.

Please remember that even if you simply read the letters that is more than enough for me, take your time, I will always be here.

While I was cleaning the attic yesterday I saw all of your art supplies! I brought them down into the living room and organized them, I hope that you can paint again when you come back-- your style of art is always so flexible. ( Though, I did sneeze a lot in the process-- the amount of dust in our attic is absurd. )

My routine has remained ruffly the same: wake up, get ready, take the long yet lovely commute to the auditorium and conduct. This time though, I stay in the city for a little longer. I feel like I discover something new each day. Like today, for example, I decided to take a different street and I found a cafe and an old bookshop right next to each other! I found out that the old bookshop belonged to the grandfather of the cafe owner, it is a rather sweet story, don't you think?

I'm sure you would love the bookshop, there are even art collection books there too. I'll make sure to bring you there, then we can stop by to get a little treat.

With much love,

paintings  ✷  welt yang [✓]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora