ONE, a painting lost in time

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March 7 began spewing remarks about how such a 'beautiful' painting could be found in a musty place.

Dan Heng felt equally as shocked, however, was far more observing or indifferent to the whole matter: an expression of pondering and keen attention laid on his face.

"Why would such a painting be here?" questioned March 7 out loud, "Especially in this musty place! Poor painting."

"The painting is actually in pristine condition," remarked Dan Heng, uncrossing his arms, "If this painting has been here for as long as we suspected- it would most likely be flaking."

"Then who would've taken care of it?" voiced Caelus, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight of the alluring painting that oddly enough, seemed to possess a tinge of wistfulness.

"That is the mystery behind it, I suppose," replied Dan Heng before adding swiftly, "However, it is more likely Himeko or Mr. Yang have some knowledge of the painting. Nevertheless, it is odd to have this painting here in the storage room of all places."

"There goes the mystery," remarked March 7, who released a dramatic sigh, "Wait! But why would they hide it?"

March 7 question hung in the air with evident weariness, for why would they attempt to hide a painting of such grandeur and lure?

It was wholly undeniable that the painting of the woman was assiduously crafted: the foliage seemed to whistle in the breeze as the sounds of a steady stream was a quaint rythme of peace. The woman in the painting was posed yet seemingly relaxed, candid as she wraps her arms around the knee of her leg while her pastel green garments complimented her complexion and background dutifully.

"That... is that question that needs to be answered," voiced Dan Heng, a small sigh escaping his lips.

"I mean, if they did hide it, they did it pretty well," remarked Caelus, his arms crossed over his chest as he recalled how the painting was covered by a large dusty cloth.

"Maybe there is more evidence around here!"exclaimed March 7, her eyes glowing at the bubbling thoughts of expedition.

"Maybe we can ask Himeko or Mr. Yang instead," interjected Dan Heng, voicing his consideration, "Perhaps the painting holds greater meaning than we so believe. Besides, it would be much more efficient."

"Darn... so much for the excitement."

As Dan Heng and March 7 continued to share views, a subtle glimmer coming for the corner perked Caelus interests, like the sparkle he perceives when he catches a glimpse of a trash can.

'A little rummaging can't hurt.'

Silently, Caelus approches the glimmer, a familiar sense of thrill coming to him.

Caelus gingerly moves the crates and broken gadgets as the sparkle came into view- his eyebrows raising at the peculiar sight.

"Why don't- Caelus! What is that?" March 7 swiftly jogs up to him, her hands on her hips, "Didn't we tell you that rummaging around?"

Dan Heng deadpans and say plainly, "Didn't you want 'look for more evidence'?"

"That's different!"

"What did you find Caelus?"

Turning his head to Dan Heng and March 7, Caelus lifts up the small wooden box that possessed the engravings of flowers and a golden lock. However, in comparison to the pristine painting, the box had multiple scratch marks and a copious amount of dust which fluttered in the air as Caelus ran his hand on the smooth surface.

"I'm guessing the box is locked." remarked Dan Heng.

"Well, let's see!" exclaimed March 7. Caelus hands the box to her, thus with exuberant energy, she lifts the box lid- which surprisingly opens.

And inside, lay a mountain of letters, all with a peculiar hyacinth seal.

"Letters?" declared March 7, an expression of peculiarly on her face, "And so many too!"

Gingerly, March 7 shifts through the bundle of letters; lifting one up for the box and flipping the back- eyebrows raising and thoughts brewing at the sight.

From: Y/N L/N
To: Dearest

"The letter does not follow the usual formatting or a letter, there is no address or formal name."

"Look at the handwriting- it's so loopy. I don't think I can understand it-"

"Do you think we should open the letters?" voiced Caelus plainly.

"I mean... it would be fun!"

"Hey, Dan Heng, do the archives store any information about a person called Y/N L/N?" asked Caelus.

Dan Heng ponders for a moment, before replying calmly, "Not to my knowledge."

"Bummer." remakes March 7 shaking her head as she then remarks, "Do you think this Y/N L/N is the same woman in the painting?"

"It is a possibility we can't rule out..."

"Or, Y/N L/N is the 'dearest'"

"Another possibility."

"This just got a lot more complicated..."

After a prompt moment of thought, Caelus declares with a snap of his finger, "We should vote! Hand in for opening the letters, and the opposite for not."

"That makes sense..."


"Ready?" asked March 7 with evident excitement, "Let's vote!"

March 7 put her hand in.

Dan Heng kept his hand by his sides.

And Caelus put his hand in.

"I didn't think you would want to open the letters Caelus." remarked March 7.

"Curious... that's all."

"Well, that settles it," declared Dan Heng. "We can look through the letters."

"Heh... I think you have the read the letters Dan Heng," added March 7 nervously, "The handwriting on the back is so loopy... it looks a bit like Himeko but slanted."

Dan Heng sighs.

Caelus stifles a hypocritical laugh- cause he knows damn well that he could not read loopy handwriting.

"Great thinking Caelus! That means sleepover at Dan Heng's room!"

"We- huh? When did I agree to that?"

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