•Training Chaos•

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"So what's it like in the Heaven Realm?...If you don't mine me asking or anything." After the long explanation, Nie Huaisang calmed down and asked other questions.

Hua ying hums. "It's really cool. Pretty but not as much as my A-die's City." He smiled. Most of his time it's a back and forth from Paradise Manor to the Heaven Realm. His favorite mostly being Paradise Manor.

"It's the Ghost City right?"


Nie Huaisang looks to Feng Xuanyu as he was just smiling softly. "A-Xuanyu?"

Feng Xuanyu looks to Nie Huaisang. "A-Huaisang?"

"What about you? Since your parents are also living up there."

"Oh I think it's really nice and comfortable. But Ghost City is fun. A bit.. Chaotic but very festive-"

"Don't forget loud." Gu Zi chimed in.

Feng Xuanyu nods. "That one to."

Hua ying giggled.

"Seems fun."

"I've heard Ghost City is a dangerous place.." lan Wangji said, brows furrowed.

"It can be. But if your worried, A-ying's parents are Rulers and Lords." Gu Zi reassured.

"He's also adored by them all. If one Ghost steps over the line their..uhm..very much in danger."

"Your speaking as if it's happened." Jiang Cheng spoke finally.

"It's happened." Gu Zi and Feng Xuanyu said at once.

The room was quiet again.

"So your that powerful A-ying?!" Nie Huaisang asked, some but of awe in him but also a chill.

Hua ying hums as if he didn't know that answer. "I guess... their protective of me since I'm mostly human for now."

"For now?" Lan Wangji cocked a brow.

"Oh..Yeah I'll soon rise up to the heavens like my A-niang. But that's far from now." He smiled brightly.

Lan Wangji kept silent. 'Ascending..?'

"Wait but if you follow your A-niang steps would you be leaving us??"

Hua ying shakes his head and waved. "No no I don't want to leave you guys. Don't worry I'll always come down here."

Jiang Cheng tsked. "You better."

All of them looked to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng however feeling uncomfortable with the staring and snapped at them.


They burst out laughing, Lan Wangji seemed amused by Jiang Cheng's honesty.


"I want to go to Ghost City.." Nie Huaisang said out.

Hua ying brightened. "Oh I will love to bring you! And you could see everything. Just as additional information, it's pretty massive."

The cousins hummed and nods in agreement.

"Many bridges and buildings. My favorite is the gambling den!"

"That Xie-shu dislike you going." Gu Zi followed on.

"And that's our secret~"

Feng Xuanyu giggled.

"What's gambling den?" Nie Huaisang asked.

"It's a place that Ghost go to deal away." Lan Wangji explained.

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