7 - Silly

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For weeks, the only thing on my mind are the things Mackenzie said to me.

I haven't thought about the night we broke up in years.

Literal years.

"Please tell me you're not still thinking about it." Allison sat at the kitchen table next to me, setting her phone next to my steaming coffee cup, "I'm sure Ophelia has some job offers for you."

I sighed, "I told her I need a break."

"Break from what?" Cassie walked into the dining room from the kitchen.

"Acting." I shrugged and put my head in my hands, "I mean, I've done 6 movies back to back. I've written three books." I looked at her, "And I'm only 23."

"You're 22." Cassie sat herself down in the chair next to me.

I glared at her, "My birthday is in two weeks."

"Right." She smiled at me, "We're happy you're officially taking a break."

"Does the golden group know?" Allison asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows together, confused about who she was talking about.

"You are as oblivious as you were in high school." Cassie hit the side of my head, "Your little Hollywood group."

"Oh." I shook my head, "They already know and are completely okay with it. Jax is going on vacation too."

"Please tell us you're going to continue writing your book." Allison leaned forward on her palms, eyeing my intently.

Something very important about Cassie and Allie; They have been my biggest supporters since I told them I was writing a book. Since I was 19.

"I think I might. I've finally figured out the name."

Cassie leaned back in her seat, her coffee resting in her hands, "Tell us."

"Tempting me." I nodded. I decided on it last night, when I was looking at the plans I made for the book last year.

Two girls who fall in love. A hockey play and a cheerleader. A blonde and a brunette. High school love.

It's gonna be so cute when I'm finally finished.

Just 34 more chapters to write! Then the editing process. Then the final copy. Then the publication process. Then the promotions. Then the sales. Then the signings. Then the money.


"I like it." Cassie played with the cup in her hands.

They were both sitting there too quietly.

"What?" I looked between them, "Spit it out. Something is bugging you both."

"We have to go back to New York."

My stomach dropped.

Of course I knew they would have to go back but I just wish they could stay a little longer.

"Of course." I nodded. I get to be completely alone now. "You do have jobs and lives to get back to." I stood up.

"We wish we could stay but it's not college anymore." Cassie shook her head, "I don't want to leave. We've never ever been far apart."

Now I'm gonna cry.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." I shrugged, "You guys have to visit.'

"Of course." Allie nodded, "We were actually thinking MJ could stay with you for the rest of the summer." She stood and followed me into the kitchen, "You don't have to say yes."

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