| part 12 |

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"Good morning my beautiful wife"
Finnick says placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning, husband" I laugh experiencing deja vu.

I move my head off of his bare chest and place a kiss on his lips. I stare at him, thinking about our lives and all that has happened. The rebellion. My mother dying. Being kidnapped and tortured but the Capitol.

"I want to go the Capitol with the rebellion" I tell him.

"I know" he says.

"How did you know? I only just realised myself that's what I wanted" I ask confused. How does he know me better than myself ?

"I could easily see that you were going to want to go. We'll have to speak coin"

"Now?" I question eagerly.

"Can't we enjoy our honey moon first?" He says

"On our last honeymoon Caspian happened" I stated.

"Well that wasn't such a bad thing now was it?" he says with a smirk plastered on his face. Thank god Haymitch has the kids.

"Fuck it" I say pulling him into a passionate kiss climbing onto his lap so that I'm straddling him.


"Well that was a great honey moon" Finnick sighs out of breathe. I laugh at Finnick as I lie down on his chest.

"I love you"

"I love you too" I say getting up of his chest to get ready for the day.

"Can't we stay in bed all day" he wines.

"Sometimes I swear I'm married to a child" I mumble.

"I am not a child" he argued, pouting at me.

I laugh at his childish act as I buttoned up the bland grey jumpsuit.

"I need to talk to Coin, are you coming or not?"



"President Coin, I was wondering if you could take 5 minutes out of your day to talk to us" I say very politely even though I hate the women. There's something fishy about her.

"What is it Mrs Odair?"

Ugh she's so formal.

"I was wondering if me and Finnick would be able to join the rebellion to the Capitol"

"No" she says bluntly.

"No?" I question.

"How many training sessions do you estimate you've attended?"

None. That's how many. I was a bit busy having a baby and being traumatised. Whoops sorry I forgot your fucking training. "None" I reply reluctantly.

"And you Finnick?"

"I've been training"

My head snaps around to him. He's been training. He didn't tell me this. Son of a bitch. He lied too me. Well technically he didn't lie he just avoided the subject.

"We all know you're smart and brave and a good aim. But we need soldiers in the field. You don't know the first thing about executing orders, and you're not exactly at your physical peak."

Rude bitch. Physical peak. The nerve of this woman. Forgive me for I had a baby and was drugged up. There is nothing stopping me from jamming my knife into her skull right now. Well except I'd be d taken away from my kids and locked up. Okay, so I can't kill her. Yet.

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