| part 8 |

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"Run!" I hear Katniss scream

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"Run!" I hear Katniss scream. "Run!"

Finnick snaps awake instantly, rising to counter an enemy. But when he sees the wall of fog he pulls me up off the ground as we begin to run with Katniss and Peeta not far behind us.

"What is it? What is it?" Peeta says in bewilderment.

"Some kind of fog. Poisonous gas. Hurry, Peeta!" Katniss urges. With his prosthetic leg he is significantly slower than all of us. Even me, who's 6 months pregnant.

I look back at the wall of fog extending in a straight line as far as I can see in either direction. This is how I die, fog. I guess it could be worse.
Finnick suddenly stops looking at Peeta and Katniss struggling.
He shouts encouragement, trying to move them along, and the sound of his voice acts as a guide.

Peeta's artificial leg catches on a knot of creepers and he sprawls forward before Katniss can catch him. As Katniss helps him up, the fog attacks them leaving the left side of Peeta's face sagged, as if every muscle in it has died.

"Keep running, I'll be back" Finnick shouts with urgency as he runs back to help the two teens. I want to help but I know I'm no use. I have to keep going, no matter how hard it was to leave Finnicks side.

I look back seeing Finnick has Peeta slung across his back now and moving forward, Finnick leading the way through the vines. I carefully slide down the edge of the hill, as the other three topple down. I hear Finnick groan. I run over to him as fast as I can. I don't care if the fog gets me. I'm not leaving him. I grab a hold of his hand as I watch the fog comes closer to us. I close my eyes ready for the impact, but nothing. I open my eyes to see the wall of fog, which has taken on a pearly white quality. Maybe it's my eyes playing tricks, or the moonlight, but the fog seems to be transforming. It's becoming thicker, as if it has pressed up against a window and is being forced to condense. In fact, it has stopped moving forward entirely. What happened? Did the Gamemakers just decided not to kill us yet?

"It's stopped" I say informing the others. We watch until it has all been sucked away and not the slightest wisp remains.
We all lay our backs on the floor out of breathe from all the running we just did.

After a few minutes pass, Peeta vaguely gestures upward. "Mon-hees" I look up and spot a pair of what I guess are monkeys. They have orange fur, although it's hard to tell, and are about half the size of a full-grown human. I take the monkeys for a good sign. Surely they would not hang around if the air was deadly.

I look around the area seeing a small river of water. I slowly make my way over towards it. I cautiously step into the river until I'm waist deep. I watch a milky substance leaching out of the wounds on the two teens skin.

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