| part 3 |

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I looked around to be met with nothing but boulders and snow.
This was going to be a challenge.

My eyes search around to try and find Casper, our gaze meets, He's about 3 tributes left from me

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My eyes search around to try and find Casper, our gaze meets, He's about 3 tributes left from me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let the 63rd annual Hunger Games begin."

With the last sound of the cannon everyone begins to run towards the cornucopia. I run as fast as my small legs will take me. I quickly grab some knives, attaching them to my belt. I look to my right and see Casper standing there with a Machete. We begin to run as far away from the blood bath as possible. Not getting far as I trip over a small rock, face planting into the snow. I scream as someone grabs me and flips me over, it was Clara from district 1. I manage to grasp hold of my knife, Mags words replay in my head,
'Make it quick'. I take my knife jamming it into her chest, aiming for her heart, killing her instantly. Her blood coating me and the snow in red. I killed her. I actually killed her.
Someone grabs my shoulder I flinch and take my knife ready to attack.

"Hey, hey it's ok it's me, we have to go" I sigh in relief at Casper and stumble up off the ground as we begin to run once again. After hours of moving we decide to make camp surrounded by big boulders that hide us from anyone near by. The capitals anthem begins to play and the sky lights up with pictures of fallen tributes.
I look away when Clara's face appears. I keep replaying the moment in my head. Her blood still stained on my hands.

"I counted 8. You need to stop thinking about Clara, you did what you had to" Casper assured me.

"I wasn't thinking about her" I argue. I'm a murderer.

"I know you Rora. You forget that I know you"


It had been 4 days and only 6 more tributes had been killed.
The game makers were getting bored and sent in a snow storm sending everyone closer together. I shiver as the feeling of icy water seeps through the thick material of my coat. I guess the capital were generous even giving us winter coats in the first place. But then again it isn't that interesting watching people freeze to death.

Casper had gone to find some sort of food, leaving me all alone at our makeshift camp. I hear the sound of snow crunching, startling me. I go to grab a weapon but the male tribute from district five tackles me to the ground before I could grab anything to defend myself with. His icy hands wrapped around my neck as I thrash around underneath him. My stone cold hands grab on to his trying to pry him away from my neck. He only tightens his grip as I continue to move, my face turning red from the lack of oxygen. Images of Avy and my mum flash through my mind, I can't leave them. I use all of the strength left in me and bring my knee up to his groin. His grip falters and I use this time to push him off of me and grab my knives. I quickly hide behind a rock waiting until he comes around the corner. I take a hold of my knife and pounce, slitting his throat open. His limp body falls to the floor, the ground surrounding now a haunting dark red. A cannon booms across the arena. One more down, another 10 to go. Another person whose died at the hand of me, but I wasn't really given a choice. What would my my mother think of me?

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