chapter 41

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"Y-Yes Father?", Adrien asked, walking down the stairs in the Mansion's hall.

"Hello Adrien.", jumping from the sudden voice he immediately turned around.
From the voice alone he could already tell who it was. "Felix!?"

The boy who looked identical to the blonde model smiled and hugged his cousin close.
"W-What are you doing here?", Adrien asked perplexed, not knowing how to feel about seeing him. "I missed my dear cousin, so I decided to visit. Didn't you miss me as well?"
Adrien stammered for a second and shook his head, "N-No! Of course I missed you! It's great that you're here, just a bit unexpected."

Felix smirked at his almost too identical cousin, "That's great! Then we can spend lots of time together, right?"
Adrien smiled nervously. Of course he was happy to see his cousin again, but it was just such a bad timing in his eyes. He was going to visit (Name) after all.

"But Felix, I still have to attend to school. Why didn't you come at a time during vacation?" Adrien asked, since he knew he wouldn't have the time for his cousin if he had to keep going to school.
Felix shook his head, "Trust me, you won't have to worry about a single thing."

Adrien was only halfway listening to him. His mind going on and off about how he was going to visit (Name) tonight.
Suddenly, Adrien's aunt, Amelie chimed in on the conversation, "Adrien! My little boy, you got so tall and handsome!", she sang, hugging her nephew close.
"Thanks, aunt Amelie."

How am I gonna see them tonight?


(Name) sighed, figuring he wasn't going to come back for the night.
It was already 12AM.
But he did say I shouldn't fall asleep.. They tried to feed themselves with the hope that he will come back like he said.

They plugged in their earphones and started surfing around the internet on their laptop.
Without even realizing, they searched up the LadyBlog. For an hour they went through various posts, especially the older ones, where Chat Noir and Ladybug would often be filmed giving interviews.

"So Chat Noir, how would you respond to getting asked out by a fan?"
Chat Noir chuckled next to Ladybug and glanced over to her.
"I would say that My Lady right here, is the only one for me and I couldn't ever imagine not loving her." He said proudly as he pulled her in close by her waist.
Ladybug laughed and put his hand away, "You're being corny again."

(Name) watched the screen closely. How teasing Chat Noir was, how punny he was, especially how corny and flirty he was.
For some reason, they never saw those sides of him. Maybe once or twice on a rare occasion, but here in these interviews it's showing that he was much more childish than they thought he was.
For some reason they felt a sense of faint jealousy rise in them. How come I've never really seen those sides of him? This is like, his WHOLE personality for the world! (Name) knew that Public figures of course have this made up persona they're relying on, but for some reason it made them slightly upset that they never properly saw this persona.
They checked the date of those interviews.
Well it's been six months since the last interviewal video.

They sighed and looked at the time, 1:25AM.
He's not going to come back tonight.

So they decided to go to bed and try to sleep.

Surprisingly, the usually sleep deprived teen who could never fall asleep that early, fell asleep fast and tight.

Was it the frustration that made it easy for them to fall asleep? Either way, they fell into a deep slumber.

At around 3AM Chat Noir jumped on the balcony he jumps on every evening. As always, the door was unlocked for him so he assumed (Name) was still awake.
He sneaked in to the room and slowly approached their bed with a teasing smile, "Hello, your Highness." He bowed down, waiting for a reaction. But he didn't receive one, "(Name)?"
He slowly got on to the bed and tried to turn to their face, when he did he realized they were sleeping quietly.
He sighed disappointed, I took too long..
He wanted to leave again and just go home before Felix would notice anything, however he spared one last glance at them.

Which lasted like 5 minutes as he could not take his gaze away from them. He sighed again, "Good night, (Name)." He whispered and left their room quietly.


The next morning when Adrien got ready for school, he started realizing that he wouldn't be going alone.
"Uh, what are you doing with my clothes?", he asked his cousin, looking weirdly at his cousin who was changing in front of him. Felix turned around and smiled at him calmly, "I thought if I'm going to accompany you to school, I might as well dress more casual. You know I only have my formal clothes." Felix explained, putting on the black iconic Agreste shirt with the colorful stripes. "Besides, we used to switch clothes all the time when we were younger, it'll be like old times."

Adrien nodded, letting his cousin be. Well he still puts gel in his hair so it's alright, i guess.

The two were driven to school and Adrien showed him around before class would start.

"...And this is my classroom." He finished, opening the door. "Will I be able to come inside during class as well?" Felix asked, wanting to see how the french education system differentiates itself from the english one.
Adrien shrugged, "If you're going to stay quiet I don't think she'll have anything against it."

Entering the classroom, the two noticed that very few students were there.
They were really early at school since Felix insisted on getting shown around.

"Morning Agreste." (Name) casually greeted the young boy and nudged him from behind.
They were met with a face that wasn't so pleased with getting squeezed up between his ribs. (Name) was not used to see Adrien mad, especially mad at them.
"Damn, sorry. Too early?"

"Who are you?"


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