chapter 39

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Trying to shake off the shiver that went down their spine, they ignored what had just happened.
Instead, they threw the joy con at Adrien, who just sat down on their couch.

"Let's have a small round though, I still need to get home before my father notices my absence." Adrien said, influencing (Name)'s pick on the amount of rounds they're going to play.
Groaning, they chose 15 rounds instead of their usual 30-45.

Adrien already knew that (Name) is pretty aggressive when it comes to video games as he had witnessed many out bursts of them in Mario kart when he was Chat Noir.
However, that was at night. And this is not Mario kart, it's Mario Party, a game that mostly consists of the right amount of luck.

He was scared for his life in these short 15 rounds.
They were becoming a literal demon and he was just wondering how it was possible for them to get 10x worse than the usual night games.

He was trembling when they both finished the game, as he had won and (Name) was on second place because of their loss on coins.
He watched them inhaled deeply and turn to him quickly to which he flinched in fear.
"...Good game!" They grinned at him and held out their hand for him to shake.
He did and regained his more relaxed sitting posture, nodding at them. "Y-Yeah!"
(Name) noticed his fear and chuckled at his over reactive behavior.

Then they took this opportunity to talk about the group project.
"Agreste, have you got anybody to join our group?" They asked him, supporting their arm on the back lean of the couch and resting their head on their hand.
He shook his head, "Not really. I would like our friends to join but we are only allowed to have groups of three or four and it would be unfair to leave someone out." (Name) nodded agreeing.
"I wanted to ask Nath if he wanted to be in a group with us, if he's in then we should be complete."
"That would be great!" He exclaimed happily, making them smile slightly.
He then felt a small furball touch his leg.
"Oh?" He smiled at the small kitten and then picked him up. "Since when did you have a cat?", he asked even though he already knew.

"Oh, I found her randomly and she followed me. I guess she's mine now since she always comes back." They shrugged and pet the black kitten on her head.
"So, what's her name then?" Adrien asked, watching the kitty curl up between him and (Name). They only sighed, "I can't think of one. It's just so hard to come up with a fitting name."

Adrien decided to help them out a bit, since it's been already some tine since the cat first appeared in their room.
"Well, what does she remind you of?"
(Name) kept quiet, thinking of what the cat reminds them of. Unfortunately for them it's a who.
They blushed embarrassed realizing the cat reminds them of nothing but Chat Noir.
"Uhm.. I mean she kinda looks like Chat Noir..?" They said, for some reason their voice seemed to be a lot more quiet than before.
Adrien smiled brightly, but realized he had to pretend to take it casual. "That's a great start! But why Chat Noir?"
(Name) pet the cat and continued, "She's a black kitten with shiny green eyes. Like him, you know?"

"You think his eyes are shiny?"

(Name) picked up their gaze to Adrien and saw his expression. They couldn't tell why, but for some reason he seemed happy to hear that. As if this information benefits him.
Trying to play it off, they quickly excused what they said. "I mean I wouldn't know. I just kinda assumed it, I guess."
Adrien nodded, he couldn't help but smile knowing that they in fact would know it.

(Name) looked at both of the empty plates and stood up, taking the plates in their hands. "I'll be right back."
Now Adrien was alone in the room.
Well, not for long.
"So what's got you all smiley?" Plagg asked, peaking out from Adrien's pocket.
Adrien shook his head and crossed his arms, "I don't know what you mean."

"Come on. You like them."

Adrien shook his head again, denying the Kwami mercilessly. "I don't know where you would even get that idea from, but I just think they're a good friend. That's all."
Plagg sighed, knowing that phrase unfortunately all too well. "You'll have to realize it yourself, kid." He shrugged and hid back in his pocket as (Name) came back.

Adrien turned to them with a smile, "Wanna continue to try and find a name for her?" He asked, holding up the baby kitten.
They however shook their head. "Not now. Some other time."
Adrien pouted but accepted it and let the cat go.

Even though (Name) didn't want to sound rude, they knew that Adrien's father was a strict person with low morals. So they couldn't help but worry that the boy might get in trouble if he stays any longer. "Uhm, how long do you think would it take for your dad to notice that you're not home?"
Adrien shrugged, "He's still on a meeting, he won't be home until like, an hour maybe?"
Oh that's good then. Sort of relieved they nodded and sat back down on the couch.

However when they looked back at his face they saw him smiling at them.
But the smile wasn't the problem.
The fact that he was literally glowing wasn't it either.
It was his eyes that caught them off guard again.

After having noticed it the first time, they just had to glance at his eyes more often.
And now they could see it.
"You know, your eyes.. kinda remind me of emeralds.", they said, taking not only the boy, but also themselves by surprise.
"I uh... I just noticed that.." they giggled nervously, averting their gaze.
They could feel themselves heating up, cursing their mind for it.
Why am I so nervous about it?!
Adrien stammered, knowing when he heard that phrase before.
"O-oh? Thanks! That's uh, good, right?" He could tell he was making a fool of himself, he really didn't know how to save his identity in that moment though.
(Name) nodded, "They kinda remind me of someone. You two have similar eyes.", they said, feeling a smile force on their face when thinking of him.
Then they waved with their hand, dismissing whatever had just happened. "That's not important though."

It's not important.

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