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** The image above is Margaret **

The clerk glanced between Teni and Margaret once more before retreating to her desk. Once the woman was out of ear's reach Margaret scoffed. "Some service this is! Come on Teni, let me at her! I'll show her a thing or two about respect!" Teni sighed and placed a hand on her mother's shoulder. "It's fine Ma. I'm used to this type of stuff." She leaned against the arm of the chair and opened the catalogue. As she flipped past the first page she felt a hand on her arm.

Teni looked down to her mother and felt her heart break at the tears in Margaret's eyes. "Mom?" A tear slid down her cheek. "You shouldn't have to get used to being ignored." She sniffled. "When Vincent adopted you it wasn't just because of the promise he saw in you. He also saw a kid in need of a family. We may be your teachers but most of all we are your parents. And if being around other nobles is hard for you then tell me, please." Her hands were shaking. "I don't want to see you suffer like you did 7 years ago..." Margret's voice trailed off.

Teni's resolve flittered away. She hadn't realized Margaret was still so anxious about this. She must have been worried that something bad would happen again when came Teni back. Teni kissed her mother's forehead, "Don't worry Ma, the next time someone tries to mess with me I'll beat them up! I'm the next Magic Tower Master after all!" She flexed her muscles to prove her competence.

Margret chuckled, "that you are."


The hours went by quickly as Margaret and Teni spent the day chastising ever so slightly rude nobles and shopping at every boutique in their line of sight. Teni hadn't realized how tormented she felt every time she put her head down and walked away from a conflict. Standing up for herself was far simpler than she realized. At least it felt that way when Margret was doing most of the yelling.

Teni chuckled as Margaret chewed out a noble for not greeting the both of them. Her voice was so scary the grown man was quivering with tears in her eyes. Teni smiled. Her mother was always the first to jump into the fire to protect her. It's been this way since the day she was adopted.

When Vincent decided he was going to look for an orphan to adopt his little pea brain hadn't thought to tell his wife. At first she suspected Teni was his daughter out of wedlock and being an orphan was just a lie to cover up his crime. This of course broke Vincent's heart since he would never in a million years cheat on Margaret.

They argued for days about this, she even went as far to make him sleep on the couch of his office. But never once did she turn her anger towards Teni. As soon as Teni stepped through the doors of the manor she was greeted with only warm smiles, stuffed animals galore, and more food than her small stomach could handle. Margaret pampered the hell out of Teni.

When the dna test came back a month later it didn't change anything. Margaret had long signed the adoption papers and considered Teni her own daughter. The two clicked immediately. At the time Margaret was a teacher at the Capital's Magic Academy and saw the promise Vincent had seen from the beginning. Teni was a bright girl and the two knew she would flourish in their care.

12 years later and nothing has changed.

Teni grabbed Margaret's arm as she pulled them away from the now sobbing nobleman. "Ice cream before we head home?" It was their tradition to get ice cream after a shopping spree. Margaret's face completely flipped from a scowl to bright smile. "Of course!"


As Teni eagerly watched her ice cream get scooped into a cone Margaret's pocket began to buzz. "I'll be right back, darling," She whispered. Teni wordlessly nodded.

Margaret stepped outside the small store and pulled a crystal from her pocket. This one was shaped like a cylinder but it was too small for a face to be projected on it. She pressed the crystal to her ear and double tapped the surface with her finger. A small click followed before a voice spoke. "Mrs. Ainsworth?" She whispered, "speaking." I apologize for disturbing your outing but the autopsy results just came back." Her face paled.

"And what is it?" Her voice was low but stern. Her eyes dashed around her surroundings but she saw no one within listening range. "It seems that Mr. Canes death wasn't all it seemed on the surface. Though his age did play a part, it seems his soul was long gone before her heart fully stopped as if-." Margaret's body went cold. "- it was stolen." She finished.

Though she couldn't see his face she could tell he was nodding. "His mana veins were completely empty, as well as his mana heart. It's almost like he never had magic to begin with which should be impossible." Margaret pressed a fist on her forehead. "Not unless you break a soul contract." The line went silent. "Pardon?"

Margaret sighed, "I'll have to call my husband. This is out my hands now." The voice on the other line seemed to hesitate, "though it's clear magic was at play, what does this have to do with the Magic Tower Master?" Margaret laughed nervously. "Creating soul contracts is something only someone with 100% omniscience for Dark magic can do. Vincent is the only man in this kingdom who can handle that kind of force."

Margaret looked back through the glass window. Teni was holding her ice cream, marveling at the three scoops of rocky road. She seemed to spot Margaret staring at her and smiled. Margaret returned the smile before turning back around. "This job is for the Tower Master.

A drop of water fell on her ring finger. She watched a the droplet slid down her finger. Another raindrop landed on her head. Then another. The clouds began to overcast. "I've got to go, but call me if anything else happens." The line cut as Margaret rushed inside. "Did you bring an umbrella?"

Adopted By The Top Mageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن