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Teni munched on her waffles as she polished her curriculum for the semester. "Next quarter let's focus on omniscience in the four main elements. They are the most practical types of magic but they are the hardest to learn for some people. Mostly because teens don't like opening textbooks," Teni snickered to herself.

"Someone looks busy. How was your first class yesterday?" Betsy yawned as she sat down beside Teni. Teni looked up from her notebook and smiled. "I am not sure what to compare it to since it was my first class but I enjoyed it." Betsy smirked, "then that's a good start."

The two other woman joined the table with plates filled with waffles, eggs, and bacon. They placed down a bowl of fruit that they were sharing across the table. Teni didn't need it because she had already finish her own bowl of fruit. Her waffles were covered strawberries and utterly drenched in syrup. Just how she liked it.

After breakfast was the first class of the day. Her class.

"Because this class is the first class of the day I don't want to drain your mana just for you to be struggling in your other classes. So we are gonna focus on your omnipotence through a more unique method."

The chalk floated in the air and scribbled the words, ' mana breathing.' Immediately whispers floated Though the classroom. "Isn't that a kindergarten skill? Everyone knows how to do that."

Teni smirked, "tsk tsk. You underestimate the importance of mana breathing. When was the last time you practiced mana breathing? During P.E while running laps? When casting a hard spell? Mana breathing is seen as a magic boast to help give that extra edge you might need. However, what would you say if I said mana breathing can grow your omnipotence the more your use it?"

Teni could finally feel it. She finally had everyone's full attention. Now the lesson was really beginning. "This is the first thing I learned once I became an apprentice. From the age of six to now, I have never stopped my mana breathing. Not even for a second." The student's murmurs of disbelief rippled through the room. Teni snickered, 'every tower master is like this. Eventually it becomes second nature to us but I just won't mention that most of them master this around the ages 40 to 50.'

"When mana breathing you are forcibly absorbing the mana through your mana veins and coursing it through your veins. It can be extremely painful when you absorb a large quantity at once but most people deal with the pain by immediately pushing out the mana with a spell. But here is where it gets a little different." Teni wrote down on the board, 'grow your awareness of your body."

"For constant mana breathing you must figure out just how much mana your veins can withstand until it starts feeling like you're adding too much pressure. Kinda like the sweet spot. This can be an extremely painful process as you try to figure it out so that is why we balance it out by getting healed every time you feel it's too much.

"Then once you find it you must control it throughout all of your mana veins. From your veins then into your mana heart and then out your mouth with your breath. It will heighten your senses extremely. You will be far more aware of your surroundings which is extremely helpful in battle. And your mana veins will expand ever so slowly. To the point that stronger spells will become child's play for you. It will just take time and patience."

Teni wrote down all the important notes on the board. "We will be working on this all semester. Today I will show you how to start the process. You must only practice this in this class where I can observe and heal you."

Everyone was back in the demonstration class room. This time the platform was gone and it was now a large field. "Alright," Teni poured her mana into the ground. A large blue box appeared around the students. She floated in the air and hovered over everyone. "This will show me if anyone needs healing and I will come to you immediately so practice with ease."

"Now start your mana breathing!

Immediately there were people all over the field in need of healing. "Control the amount your absorb! Start small and slowly get higher!"

By the end of the class only thirty kids had managed to figure out the size of their mana veins. A remarkable feet on its own but Teni could see the defeated expressions of those who had failed. "Before you leave today remember, this is only practice. You're learning a skill used only by the magic tower masters. It will take time. I will see you all tomorrow, class dismissed!"

Niall was the last to leave, to both Emily and Teni's dismay. He had told Emily his brother had given him a message he needed to relay but she still wasn't all too happy.

"Congrats on figuring out the size of your mana veins," Teni sighed. She was changing the arena to fit the needs for the class that was coming in after her. "My brother gave me a letter last night. A small little threat to make sure I don't put you in harms way." He chuckled. "Silly boy still hasn't learned after all these years."

Teni froze. His brother? Did he mean...

"What does this have to do with me? I'm not the one who wrote the letter." Teni finished her spell and turned to Niall. He shrugged, "still had your name in it." He stepped close to her. "Makes me wonder. What type of treasonous things he may be planning to protect you." Niall's eyes shimmered as he stared into Teni's.

Teni frowned, "if you're trying to use mind magic to see if I know anything then I'm sorry I'm a blank slate. I'm not involved with your brother anymore." Niall hummed, "you might not still be in love with him but he's definitely still in love with you. Problem is, if that love of his makes him do something - should I say - reckless, that could end badly for the both of you. Yes?" Teni stepped back from him.

"Are we really gonna have this conversation again? I said this before and I'll say it one last time. He is your brother. If you have a bone to pick with him go to him with your threats, not me. And leave me out of your battle for succession."

Niall frowned, "we both know you're more involved in this than you would like to be." Teni scoffed. "Is this about me rejecting your marriage proposal? I don't know what to tell you, your highness. I legally can't marry a royal. And you have a girlfriend." Niall was about to retort when a shrill voice broke through their conversation.

"You proposed to her!"

Niall cursed to himself. "You said you didn't have feelings for her! You big fat liar!" Emily ran up to Niall from her spot by the entrance. She was yelling and crying while Niall tirelessly tried to calm her down. Teni took this chance to escape. Niall tried to catch her but Emily stopped him. "Now you're trying to leave me for her? If you don't love me just say so!"

Emily glared daggers at Teni. 'Lately that wench seems to be at the source of all my problems! First she gets special attention from the headmaster and now she is trying to steal my boyfriend! I won't forgive you for this!'

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