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** The image above is Kaiden**

"I heard we are getting a new teacher."

"I wonder who it is?"

"Man, I was really looking forward to being in Mr. Cane's class!"

"Hehe, I hope our new teacher is a hot chick."

"You pervert! You never change do you!"

The stadium style seats gave Teni a good view of every face in the classroom. They were all around her age. People from different nationalities and ethnicities filled the room. The kid's eyed her with pure confusion in their gaze.

The wall behind her was a giant chalk board. Teni grabbed a piece of chalk and took a deep breath. The chalk piece floated out her hand and began to scribble on the board. "Good morning everyone." She bowed. "My name is Teni Ainsworth. I am the current apprentice for the Magic Tower Master, and I will be your teacher for these next two semesters. I will be in your care."

In big bold letters the words, 'Miss Ainsworth' we're on the board. "Aren't you like, ten?" A boy with spiky red hair snickered. He was definitely not wearing the school uniform but Teni didn't care. Everyone began murmuring to each other.

"Is this a joke?"

"She looks like she is around our age?"

"Did she say Ainsworth? Isn't that the Headmaster's last name? Then is she here because of connections."

There were two people in the room who were the most surprised. Emily and Niall. Emily glared the girl at the front of the room with contempt. 'I heard the rumor that the apprentice of the tower master was young but she is our age! I thought it was a thirty year old man, not a teen! Is she even qualified for that position?'

Teni sighed. 'So bothersome.' She looked at the schedule in her hands. "According to the schedule we are supposed to have a demonstration in the training hall." She scratched her head, "if it helps put your minds at ease I can also do a demonstration. You can even grade me on my performance, how about that?" The class erupted in cheers. Everyone was excited finally to show their growth over the summer but they were also excited to see the skills of their new teacher.


In the training hall was a giant hexagon shaped platform. On the stage was a magic circle drawn to make the mind spell become visible. Everyone was seated alphabetically in the small colosseum.

Teni began her demonstration. "As you're all aware magic is split into two categories. Omniscient and Omnipotence. You can not make a fire ball without knowing how fire works. But you also can't create one if your magic power is weak. The more power and knowledge you have the more complex and calculated your spells can become. For example..."

Teni stood in the middle of the platform and created a fire ball. "This is a standard grade one fire ball. Using basic knowledge on fire and a basic level of mana a fire ball becomes the size of a cantaloupe. Now if I..." she sucked in a breath and poured in enough mana to wear the ball was three times her size. The flame was roaring and powerful. "This is the magic level of the standard magic knight at the royal palace." The students could feel the heat from the stands.


Teni smirked. "That is a demonstration on Omnipotence. Now for Omniscience." The fire ball returned to its original size. She twisted the flame until it was the shape of small phoenixes. The birds soared around the stands. One girl reached out to touch it but flinched. Teni smiled, "it might be pretty but it is still fire." The girl was healed by a student near her.

"This is the amount of omnipotence used by a royal artillery soldier. Now what happens when I mix both." The student were on the edge of their seats. Was it even possible to completely control that much fire? Small fire balls were hard enough, but a fire of that size seemed impossible. Teni smiled proudly. She was having fun.

The fire once again roared to life in her hand but the flames were rounded and seemed tame. Then the fire broke apart. A bear. A tiger. A deer. An elephant. All kinds of animals that many couldn't recognize spouted from the flames. It was beautiful. The animals danced around the platform as if they gained a life of their own. Some animals waved to the crowd while others did silly dance moves. But it was all perfectly controlled by the small girl in the center.

They were no match.

"Um teacher!" One boy raised his hand. "You kept using the standard of a magic knight. How big would the fire ball be if you used all of your strength?" The boys question peeked the interests of the other students. "Yeah, teach! Show us!"

Teni nervously chuckled, "I don't think I can sorry."

"Huh? Why!"

Teni sheepishly scratched her head, "it would fill this whole colosseum and then some." The stadium went silent. They didn't want to believe her but for some reason it didn't seem like a lie. "Wah, Tower Master's are a total different bread!"

Teni looked down to her attendance sheet. "Okay, we will start the demonstration. First is Morgan Adams?"

A small girl with brown hair and eyes waddled over to the stage. She nervously stood beside Teni. After Teni's demonstration she seemed like a celebrity. "Alright, pour your mana into the circle." The girl followed the instructions. "You should feel your body connect with the demonstration spell. I want you to pour as much mana as you can into the spell. It will analyze your magic and create a landscape we can all see."

The floor glew blue and a circle of blue light surrounded the girl. The circle stretched out to about two arm lengths. The field filled with different types of blue mirages of people. There were a few trees and houses but that was it. "Alright. Mind magic, Earth Magic, and Creation Magic/Alchemy. Your Omnipotence was about five feet. So 5%. But there were thirty people, forty trees, and twenty houses. So 30% mind magic. 40% earth magic, and 20% alchemy!"

The students clapped and Morgan blushed. "Good job," Teni smiled. Having that strong of omniscient for three skills was impressive for a student. Morgan may be shy but with a bit of Omnipotence training she could easily join the a higher ranked guild or even the royal knights!

Teni was starting to understand her place in this grand scheme. She was going to turn this unpolished gems into treasures!

"Next is Kaiden Adams? Twins?" The boy with spiky red hair skipped to the stage, "good job sis! Now it's my turn to shine!" He snickered as he immediately poured his mana into the circle without being instructed.

Immediately a circle the width of twenty feet filled the room. The whole circle was filled with fire. Every inch of it. "20% omnipotence. With a 100% omniscience for fire. Impressive." He rubbed his nose as he smugly snickered. "Thats only to be expected from the great Kaiden Adams!" Then he burst out into a sort of evil laughter. Teni stared blankly at him.

"Kaiden! Get off the stage!"

"Yeah you weirdo! No cares about your fire powers! You suck at everything else but fire!"

Kaiden winked to the last student, "thanks for the compliment." Then he strutted off stage. "It wasn't a compliment!"

Teni shook her head. 'Are all teens like this?' "U -um. Next is.... his highness Nial Aragon." Teni's smile fell. 'The crown prince of the kingdom is in my class!' Her mind was running a mile a minute as he walked up to the platform. The blue light of the magic circle made his mischievous smile seem sinister. 'Margaret you witch! How could you not warm me about this!'

Niall leaned towards her, "it's been a while Teni. Oh, sorry, should I call you Miss Ainsworth now?" Teni could already feel her head in the guillotine basket.

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