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** The image above is Nial **

Niall leaned towards her, "it's been a while Teni. Oh, sorry, should I call you Miss Ainsworth now?" Teni could already feel her head in the guillotine basket.

Teni backed away from him. "preferably, yes." Niall chuckled at how apprehensive she was. "Don't get too nervous around me teach. People might think I did something to you."

Teni tightened her grip on the clip board. He did do something. He was the reason that all of noble society turned on her. "If you don't finish the demonstration I'm gonna mark zero on all of your scores." Niall chuckled, "oh? Feisty today, are we?" The circle was around forty feet but what astounded her was the amount of items in the circle. She poured a little of her mana in the circle and analyzed the landscape.

"20% earth. 30% fire. 23% wind and 26% water. 40% alchemy. And... 60% mind magic." The landscape was in the shape of the capital city. The trees fluttered with the wind as people bustled through the small city. The river ran down from the mountain and cut through the capital.

In real life there would be two mountains. One where the magic tower is located and another for the royal palace. Both mountains have two connecting rivers that feed into the capital city.

In everyone's eyes he was the embodiment of the perfect emperor. I mean common, it was even engraved in the very core of his mana. It was apart of his soul. As much as Teni hated Niall she had a high respect for him.

"Next is..."


Teni put all her papers in a folder and prepared herself to submit all the information she gained. She now needed to make a game plan for how she was going to help every student grow individually and as a collective class.

"Class was fun today! Everyone has gotten a lot stronger since last year. Especially Emily." A pair of students chattered as they packed up their stuff. "Yeah. Her whole plane was filled with light. You couldn't even see the houses or people in the circle. Her divine magic must have gotten stronger."

Teni nodded in agreement to herself. It was quite impressive. Divine magic was the first type of magic she picked up. Being raised in a temple made it easier for her to grow full omniscience toward divine magic. But it is one of two types of magic you can't gain through your own power. It is magic gained by God's power.

Last she checked she was only at 70% divine magic. But Emily was at a rising 86%. Some might even consider her the first saint in a millennium.

A knock on the door called her attention. "How was class?"? Margaret was leaning against the doorway watching her daughter organize her desk. Teni shrugged, "I'm not sure. I don't have anything to compare it to." Margaret snickered,  "I'm sure you did wonderfully." She stepped into the room and walked over to her daughter with arms open wide. "Was it fun?" Teni hugged her mom and smiled. "It was," surprisingly so.

All 200 kids in the Graduating Class had different skills, dreams, and admirations. There were students from all across the globe that came to learn the pure essence of magic and she was able to be apart of that journey. It made her feel... excited? She wasn't quite sure how to describe the emotion.

2% mind magic


"Leave me alone!" Emily shouted as she slammed the door closed and fell into her bed. Niall slammed his fist into the door behind her. "Come on Emily. I've got nothing going on with Teni! She's just a childhood friend!" Emily flipped onto her back as she sobbed into her teddy bear. "It didn't seem like that during the demonstration! I saw how close you two were. You like her don't you! Just admit it!"

Niall ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He sighed, "I don't have any feelings for her. If anything it's my brother that has feelings for her, not me!"

Emily's eyes widened. "Which brother." Niall smiled at the softer tone in her voice. "The third one. Orion?" Emily let out a breath of relief. She walked to the door and opened it. "So you really don't like her?" Niall shook his head. He cupped her cheek and smiled. "Not even a little." Emily blushed and fidgeted with the paws of her bear. "I'm sorry for getting mad." He tipped her chin up and kissed her.

"You're the only one who can slam a door in my face and get away with it," he smirked. She giggled, "what about the emperor?" He thought about it for a second, "okay maybe there are two." She smirked, "and the queen?" He grumbled, making her laugh more. He wrapped an arm around her waist. "Your roommate?" She shook her head, "she went to study in the library with her brother. Won't be back for a while."

He lifted her up with on arm. She shrieked and wrapped her legs around his waist. "Perfect," he smiled. They fell back into the room as Emily leaned him into a kiss. The door clicked close behind them, then another from the lock.


Orion removed his robe before stepping into the large steaming bath. The scars on his back and arms disappeared under the water. His muscles relaxed as he sunk himself completely into the water. After a few minutes he rose when he sensed the presence of someone in the room. He wiped the water from his eyes and turned to the visitor. It was one of his shadow knights.

"A report on Teni Ainsworth just came in." Orion smirked, "read it." He began cleaning himself as he listened. "She was recently admitted as a teacher at the Magic Academy in the capital run by her adoptive mother. She teaches the graduation class of Omniscience and Omnipotence. This class contains..."

Orion racked his brain of the knowledge he had on ever student. Most were people from high ranking families. Their parents ran crucial parts in the country; from merchants to royalty, Orion's smile grew as he envisioned the connections Teni could gain at this Academy.

A certain name, however, made him pause. "Hold on. Stop. Did you just say Niall? As in my brother Niall? The knight read back a couple of names. "Yes your highness. It says here that Niall Aragon is in the graduating class this year, so he will be attending her class."

Orion could feel his blood pressure rise. "Send a warning to him for me. Tell him if he so much as harms a single hair on her head he will have me to deal with." The knight bowed and disappeared as quickly as he came.

Orion eyed the container of bath salts he was informed Teni loved so much. "My dear fiancé, it seems trouble follows you wherever you go." He sank back into the water. His plans were currently going smoothly but he needed more time. As much as he wanted to rush to her and scoop her off her feet he had to wait. 'I feel like all I'm ever doing is waiting.'


Niall woke up with a piece of paper neatly placed in his mouth. He knew exactly who it was from just by the smell. It was more obvious now, but he had always noticed that Orion used female bathing products. After meeting Teni he knew why. This note smelled faintly like roses and the brand of ink the royal family specifically used. Niall opened the paper and read its contents.

He burst out into a fit of laughter. "That runt dares to threaten me?" He originally had no plans on bothering his brother's life long obsession but now he was curious. Just what could his sweet, feeble, little brother possibly do? He was never good at magic or sword fighting. Two things Niall specialized in. Last time they interacted things had gotten messy but a few years couldn't be enough for someone to possibly think of even putting a scratch on him.

"All bark and no bite." Niall rolled back over in his bed and peacefully fell back asleep.

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