32) Karma Really Is A Bitch

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Song: Dare You To Move by Switchfoot

Kai Carter (POV)

And then, there was blood.

Christopher's blood.

Damien asked no questions. He gave no chances for an explanation, he saw that Christopher was all up in my face, and I looked like I had just been beaten the shit out of, so he took action.

The punches he was landing on Christopher almost made me feel sorry for him. Almost... but not quite. He deserved it.

I have seen Damien tell off a couple people for me, but never have I seen him in action like that. His punches were precise and deliberate. I don't know if he had experience with boxing, or any other martial arts, but he definitely looked like he knew what he was doing.

Damien punched Kit in his face causing him to stumble backwards. When Damien saw that Christopher was still standing, he proceeded to kick him in his upper thigh, causing Christopher to fall over.

Damien then went over and grabbed him by the scuff of his shirt, pulling him in a standing position. He slammed him against the bathroom wall, and punched him in his face a couple more times.

Christopher tried to block, but he wasn't very successful in his endeavours. Damien was a big, well built guy who could dominate most people in a fight. Kit stood no chance.

"Going after Kai and attacking him in the bathroom? You're a fucking coward. Why didn't you come after me?" He said punching Kit in the stomach.

"I-I wasn't t-the one who attacked him." Christopher choked out. "I came in the bathroom and saw him like that."

"Bullshit!" Damien yelled. "When I came in here I heard how you were insulting him. So why the fuck do you think I'd believe a word you say."

"Ask him." Said Christopher wincing in pain.

Damien looked over at me. "Who did this to your face?" He asked roughly. "Was it him?"

I was not used to seeing Damien so angry. I know that I'm not the one that his anger is directed at, but I was still on edge.

I shook my head in response. "I-it wasn't him." I stammered.

"But he was talking down at you, wasn't he?" He asked and I nodded in response.

Damien grunted before giving Christopher one last punch in his stomach before hurling him on the floor.

"If I ever, and I mean ever see you talking to Kai, or harassing him again, I'll do a lot worse than what I just did." He seathed.

Damien then turned towards me. "Who messed up your pretty face?"


After the whole incident with Christopher, Damien took me to the nurse so that I could get my face looked at. After giving me some pain killers and an icepack, she tried convincing me to go home, but I was having none of it, so she told me that I could stay in the room until I'm feeling a bit better.

I somehow managed to convince Damien to that I was fine, and that I was able to stay in the nurses office on my own, and he agreed, even though he was hesitant about it.

When lunchtime came around, I took it as my que to get out of the nurses office. My body still hurt, and I had a pounding headache, because Shane and his friend really did a number on me, but I didn't want to stay in there any longer. Plus I was hungry and wanted to get something to eat.

When I made my way out of the nuses office, I got looks from different people. I was definitely not used to that kind of attention, and all of a sudden I'm getting it. When I walked by in the past, no on would even bat an eyelash my way. It was as though I was invisible, that people could see straight through me, like I was see through. But now, everywhere I walk, people are staring.

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