24) Senior Field Trip (Pt.1)

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Song: Bugs by Patrick James

Kai Carter (POV)

Ah yes, the annual senior field trip. It's basically when the seniors get together and go camping at the local camp site. I've heard many stories about how fun and exciting it is. That's if your a huge fan of bugs and snakes and spiders. Everyone else seemed really excited about it, but me, I'd prefer to stay in the comfort of my warm room.

But no matter how much I hated the the idea of camping, it was mandatory that all seniors go, because of something about our final grade. Apparently it wasn't a mini vacation like everyone thought because we would be doing activities that would contribute to our final grade. Or at least that's what we were told.

I was currently sitting on my front porch waiting for Damien to pick me up to give me a ride to school where buses were waiting to pick us up to drop us at the camping site. I told Damien that I could make way to the school on my own, but he insisted that he picked me up.

After about five minutes of waiting, a slick black range rover pulled up at the curb. The tinted windows rolled down to reveal a Damien Beckett with dark shades covering his chocolate brown eyes. By the time I got up and made my way to the passengers side, Damien was already out of the vehicle and holding the door open for me.

I gave him a shy smile. I have no idea why he does stuff like that for me, but I'm definitely not complaining. Also I have no idea what Damien and I are to eachother.

I'd say that we're friends, but friends don't constantly make out with each other, do they? I wanted to ask Damien about that, but I decided against it. Obviously Damien didn't want anything more from me that a quick make out session. I mean why would he? He's Damien Beckett for crying out loud, the guy can get whoever he wanted. Why would he settle for me?

My thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of something soft and warm against my lips.

"What are you thinking about?" Damien said against my lips before pulling away.

My cheeks flushed at the suprised action. "Nothing, just trying to remember if I brought everything I needed." I lied casually.

"Oh, well I brought two of everything just in case you needed anything." He said and kissed me on the forehead before he started driving.


When Damien pulled up in the school's parking lot, most of the seniors were already there. From among the crowd of people, I spotted some of Damien's friends, and I also spotted some of my friends. I also spotted Christopher talking to a group of girls and guys.

By the time we got out of the vehicle, people were already piling onto the buses that were supposed to take us to the camping site. Without asking, Damien went to the trunk and took both mine and his bags.

"You know I can carry my own bags right?" I said.

He looked down at me and smiled. "Sure you can."

I gave him an annoyed look. "Are you trying to call me weak?"

"Aww, you look so cute when you're annoyed. If I didn't have all these bags in my hand, I'd pinch your cheeks." He told me, and of course, like the chameleon I was I turned a bright red color.

Damien laughed. "It's so easy to make you blush."

I hit him on the arm. "Just give me a bag."

He looked at me with amusement in his eyes. "That's domestic abuse. But if you want to carry a bag so much here." He handed me a bag.

When I took the bag from Damien's grip, I was expecting it to actually have weight. But it didn't. The bag was light as fuck.

I looked up at Damien, and he gave me an innocent look."What is in that bag?" I asked him.

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