4) The Outcast Alliance

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Song: New Friends by Maty Noyes

Kai Carter (POV)

Here I was sitting in the cafeteria once again. All alone. It was now lunch time and I just got off that ridiculously long lunch line.

I honestly don't know why the kids at this school like eating this slob. Personally, if I could afford it, I'd never take a single bite of the food they provide at this school.

I even remember one time where the apples they were serving actually had worms in them. So disgusting.

But here I was anyway eating away at a turkey sandwich. I also had a cartoon of milk that I had not opened yet, a chocolate pudding and carrot sticks with dressing.

I was sat in my usual empty lunch table in the far end of the cafeteria. I had a book open so that I was studying and eating at the same time.

My opened text book suddenly closed, causing me to panic slightly. When I looked up I saw three people standing in front of me. Two guys and a girl.

"Mind if we sit here?" The girl who I recognised as Stacy asked.

I nodded in response. "Yeah, if you want to."

The three of them sat and looked at me, causing me to knit my eyebrows together in confusion.

"You look lonely." Stacy pointed out.

"I am not." I deny.

She looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Oh really? So why are you sitting all the way back here all alone then, huh?"

"B-because I like being alone?" I answered, but it came out more like a question.

"No one likes being alone." Stacy said.

Just as I was about to answer, one of the boys who I recognised as Juan answered. "I like being alone." He pointed out.

"Oh shut up Juan, you're not helping." Stacy shot back at him.

"And what exactly are we trying to help?" The other boy Austin asked.

"Not what, it's who. And we're trying to help...what's your name?" She asked.

"Kai Carter." I answered.

"Right, we're trying to help Kai." She continued.

I looked at her with a confused look on my face. "Help me with what?" I asked.

"Make friends, duh." She said as if stating the obvious.

While it was very strange for a bunch of people that I have never talked to in my entire life to come to me and try to be my friend, I was definitely not complaining. Friends might be just what I need and I'm already starting to like Stacy.

"I'm Stacy." She said pointing to herself. "This is Juan." She pointed on Juan to which he threw me a wave. "And this is Austin." She said and Austin smiled at me.

"And I'm Kai." I introduced myself once again.

"Yeah, you already said that." Stacy pointed out to which I laughed in embarrassment.

"And we are the outcast alliance." Juan said.

"The outcast alliance?" I echoed his response.

"Yes." He said with a beaming smile.

Stacy shot him an annoyed look. "No we're not." Both Stacy and Austin said in unison.

Juan nodded. "Yes we are! That's what we call ourselves."

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