2) Bad Parenting

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Song: The middle by Jimmy eats world.

Kai Carter (POV)

Coming home after a long day of work was always a nightmare. Since my parents have no idea that I have a job, they often think that I'm out messing around with other guys. Because of this I often spend alot of nights sleeping outside, or when they do let me in, I'm in for the beating of a lifetime.

Today was no different. As I made my way over to that abomination of a house, dread filled my heart. I was really and truly afraid of what my parent would do to me for coming home at eight pm.

I walked up the old steps to the door and hesitantly placed my hand on the doorknob.

Before I could even turn the knob, my father had already beaten me to it.

He grabbed me by my shirt and forcefully pulled me inside of the house.

Great, while every normal teenager goes home to dinner, I go home to the fists of my father.

"Where the fuck are you coming from at this time." He barked.

"It's only just past eight." I said with fear lacing my tone.

"Did I ask you what time it was?" He said grabbing me by my collar.

I quickly shook my head. "No."

"So why the fuck are you telling me about the time?"

I just looked at him, not answering him because I couldn't think of anything to say.

And that's when it happened. His hand landed on my face in the hardest slap he could muster up.

The slap was so hard that I was almost knocked off of my feet. This didn't even suprise me anymore because it was a daily ordeal. My body didn't even start healing from the beating I received two days ago, and here I was about to get another.

I just heald my face and continue making my way up the stairs, but it seemed that my father was not done with me as he came up behind me grabbing my shirt, pulling me down the stairs causing me to trip, fall and roll down.

The way I landed, I was sure that my shoulder was dislocated. I cried out in pain on the floor holding onto my shoulder, but my father being the devil that he is just ignored my cries.

"Are you turning your back on me while I'm talking to you Kai?" He spat bitterly. "How many fucking times do I have to warn you about that? You just never learn now do you."

"I'm sorry." I pathetically apologised over and over again, but to no avail. I already knew what was coming.

My father had gone to take the broom and started beating me with the stick. I heald my hands up to protect myself, but after about ten hits I no longer had the strength to keep them up.

By the time my father was done with me I was laying lifeless on the floor. My mother came to stand over me on the floor sizing me up with a disgusted look on her face.

"This is all your fault." She spat. "You're so pathetic." She said walking away. "Honey, dinner is ready." She said to my father as she was heading up the stairs.

I don't know how long I stayed rolled up in a ball suffering on the floor, but by the time I decided to get up and struggle to make my way to my room, all the lights in the house was already out, meaning that my parents had already gone to bed.

When I got to my room, I was in too much pain to undress myself or do any of the homework that I had, so I just got in bed fully clothed until I passed out.


The next day when I woke up in the morning, my entire body was in pain. I felt as though I was hit by a truck moving at seventy-five miles per hour. My bones felt brittle, and when I looked at my reflection in the mirror I almost wanted to stay home, and that was saying alot.

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